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From my tower window, I could see guests arriving for the ball.

    I hadn't been invited to the suitor ball. It wasn't a surprise obviously and I knew it was important for my identity to be hidden. If people knew who i was then i would have probably been assassinated which is ironic since I am an assassin or executioner as the king liked to say.

    Multiple people flowed into the palace with their expensive jewelry and gowns. They each had unique masks on and gear that was in fashion in the capital of Doragon. Akari had chosen to make the suitor ball a masquerade party and there were bunnies and birds and some used welding masks and goggles like Mizu's. Mizu would be down there and I was missing out on the party. I was used to it. Mizu would bring me some cake and a cup of punch after the party was over and she would fill me in on the nobles gossip and drama.

    This party was for Akari and for the douche she  was going to marry. Just the thought of Akari with someone else.

 A man. 

   Made me cringe and I would slit his wrists before he ever touched Akari. She never liked being touched by others and I was the exception.

    Even her own father couldn't touch her or she would break down in a fit of shaking and indistinct mumbling. I didn't have a clue how she would fare in married life but I had to see the prince of Oznea or whoever Akari chose for myself. I knew if I was discovered I would be whipped raw but I didn't care. Akari did that to me. I couldn't think clearly when I was around her and she took up most of my thoughts since she became part of my life. I hated that I had become soft towards her over time and that I couldn't do anything about it before she had my heart firm in her grip.

     Mizu could tell me about the party later and for the most part I couldn't care less about it. what I had to know was if the man Akari was to marry was a good one and that she could be happy with him. I wouldn't be able to bear seeing Akari in a loveless relationship and seeing her miserable face every day of my life. I wouldn't. I would die before that happens.

     I planned to sneak into the party and it would be easy for me since it was a masquerade. I had a particular gown that Mizu convinced me to buy even though I knew I would never use it. Well I guess I would use it now. But first I had to find a mask and a way to get in. I knew I didn't own any masks and it would be too late for me to go buy one so the only option I had was to use my ki.

    I really didn't want to. The thought of using my power was so tempting and I would be sane for the party but it felt like all the suffering and pain I felt for months on end would be for nothing. No, not nothing. I would do it. For Akari. She was worth it and I would do it several times if it meant it was for her.

    Carefully I took Canaria into my hand and slit a seizable gash into my palm. It sting and I could feel and smell the blood pooling into my hand and dripping onto the floor. I have to use it. A small hint of regret clouded my mind but it faded when the thought of blood cleared my mind. There's no turning back now. I lifted my other hand and willed the blood on the floor to float into the air. The rest of the blood in my palm floated up to join the stray drops. Together they swirled into a mask that I had pictured in my mind.

     It hardened and I placed it onto my face. It fits like a glove. It had a brilliant red tone and covered my eyes. Resembling a butterfly wing on my left eye it had finely carved flower engravings and looked shiny in the room's light. It's perfect. I felt dainty in my hand but it wouldn't break if even iron crashed into it.

     I layed the mask on my bed and I felt the whispers disperse from my head the moment I used my power. It was refreshing but I wouldn't allow myself to get used to it. After the whole masquerade ordeal was over I would never use it again. At least it was my blood. I wouldn't use anyone else's. that was the line I had drawn for myself.

ArcaneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora