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"Come on! You'll be late for school!" I call up the stairs, in return I get a grumpy groan and a bark from the dog.

Ranboo is sitting at the table, chatting with Sapnap.

We moved houses before we adopted, we couldn't have our child growing up in a trauma house.

He was 5 when we got him, 3 years after Quackitys death. He is 9 now, going into a new year.

He trudges down the stairs, pulling his beanie over his face lazily with the dog in toe.

"I don't want to go to school... why can't I stay home with Boo and Amber?" He groans while sitting next to Ranboo at the table.

He seriously looks up to Ranboo and it's adorable.

Sapnap eyes him down, "education is important"

"But Sap, seriously. Why can't I take even one day off? It's not fair, you always skipped to hang out with Dad and Alexis"

I see Sapnap wince out of the corner of my eye and I slide the cereal over the counter to the child.

Ranboo nudges him and he sighs.

"Sorry... I'll go in"

"Damn right you will" Ranboo butts in, standing up to tower over the 9 year old boy.

"Boo! Stop! So what you're taller then me, don't need to rub it in"

"Just get out the door, the bus will be here any minute. Eat up" i shoot my son a glance before looking over at my husband, he's holding his head in his hands.

Sapnap took Quackitys death harder then me, he missed it. He is still depressed, we both have to go to therapy so Ranboo moved in with us to take take of our son while we are away.

Sapnap stands up and walks away to our bedroom.

There's a beep at the door and everyone looks up.

"Off to school now. See you later, Alex" I rush him out the door before turning back to the kitchen and moving through it over to the door into my shared bedroom.

I push it open to see Sapnap sitting on the double bed, curled up in a tight ball, presumably crying.

I sit down next to him and stroke his back until he falls asleep in my arms.

That kid will be the death of me.

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