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We sat in the car, my legs still shaking from earlier.

Karl sits next to me awkwardly and Sapnaps sitting in the drivers seat.

We don't talk until we are on the main road, where Karl breaks the silence.

"You guys really chose to fuck while I was selling my house? And while your dad was in the fucking house!" Karl says it quietly but enough for both of us to hear clearly.

I shuffle uncomfortably in my seat, the pain in my legs shooting in spurts. I blink hard and compose myself, well now my dad knows I'm sexually active again. I'm so fucking stupid.

Sapnap laughs weirdly in the front seat, "Uhm, yeah... about that"

The silence in the car is deafening, I can feel Karl's eyes burning through my head. I don't make eye contact, I don't want to make it even more weird.

"I get that we are all a couple, sex is normal for people that are emotionally connected, but come on guys. The worse possible time" Karl strains his voice in frustration.

"It was in the moment... we weren't thinking" I mutter under my breath.

"I'm totally fine with you guys being together without me, seriously. I love you guys and I want you to be happy, I know I don't feel comfortable meeting your sexual needs right no but I want you to try let me know if you are gonna. Could you not have tried to keep it down?"

We stay quiet, thinking. "I tried to be quiet at first" I eventually mumble, Karl can be scary.

"You didn't try hard enough" Karl snaps back.

Sapnap sighs, "I understand I should not of come onto Q like that, I don't know what came over me, but, I think you're right. Sex is normal, I am emotionally connected with you two. I'm not even going to lie, I wish we had more time alone with each other. Not just hanging out"

"Talking about hanging out, we have other friends we need to talk too, just because it's summer doesn't mean we are no longer friends with Clay, George, Zak and Darryl" I point out, hoping Karl doesn't pick up on what I'm doing. I'm wrong, he does.

"Don't try change the subject, you guys are disgusting. Why not even in the car for fucks sake?"

Sapnap glances at me in the mirror, his eyes wide.

I sigh and shake my head, already done with the conversation as I take out my phone to text Clay.

Karl takes my phone and catches my eye. "No, I said we are not done"

"What more is there to talk about?" I point out.

"The fact your dad knows you fucked one of your boyfriends in his basement"

"We can apologise to him tomorrow" Sapnap buts in.

Karl huffs and hands me back my phone, crossing his arms.

———Dreamy Weamy 😫💞———
Do you want to meet up sometime over the next week?

I close my phone but it buzzes a few seconds later.

I can do that, who would be there?

Karl, Nick and me. You can bring anyone you want, we need to socialise more tbh 😭

I can agree on that, we haven't spoken in weeks.

How are things with you and George?

They're good, couldn't be better. I really love him, are you with anyone atm?

Oh fuck right... he doesn't know.

Yeah, I forgot to tell you, got caught up with life.

Who is it? Boyfriend, girlfriend or partner?


Wait what?


Lucky bastard 😰😰


I chuckle to myself but look up from my phone to see a familiar road.

"Did you guys settle on a price for the house?" I ask Karl.

"Yeah, I'm not very good at prices but I remember my uncle saying if he was to sell it, he'd go for 128,000, so I asked for that and he seemed happy"

I nod and Sapnap slowly brings the car to a stop beside mine in the driveway.


"You fucking ruined me" I groan on the bed to Sapnap, who's sitting at a monitor playing Minecraft.

"Didn't you ask me to?" He reply's, turning around in the spinning chair to face me. I sit up from laying down down on his bed and meet his eyes.

"Yes and no"

"What do you mean?"

"Yes, I did ask you to ruin me, No, this wouldn't have happened if we didn't go exploring down into the basement"

He just laughed and turned back to the monitor.

"I'm in agony, Nick. Can we order some pizza or something?"

"No. Later"

"Please!!" I beg.

"No, Karl is still in the shower, wait for him to get out"

"Dickhead" I mumble and fall back onto my back.

I shower stops and the house is quiet for a little while, except for the clicking of keys from the keyboard and mouse.

Karl walks into the bedroom and takes a moment to observe our positions.

"Hey babes, can we order pizza or something?"

I shoot up and grin at Sapnap who has turned around in his chair looking dumbfounded.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Karl asks cautiously.

"You two rehearsed this, didn't you?" Sapnap is glaring from me to Karl.

"No? I'm confused, pizza or no?"

We sat on the living room floor, Clay, George, Darryl,Zak and Sam all spread out with slices of pizza and cups of beer in hand.

Sapnap and Quackity were behind me on the couch, me sitting on the floor.

"Do you guys wanna play cards?" Bad suggests, raising his cup of water since he didn't drink.

Dream laughs and says,"Actually, I was thinking we all get blackout drunk"

Sapnap claps his hand and points to Dream, "aye! I was hoping someone would say that!"

I laugh and look at Bads face, he was cringing funnily and it made me laugh more.

There are a few murmurs of agreement and some more laughs from around the room.

"Sure, but I don't think Darryl will drink, will you keep an eye on us?"Sam chuckles and directs his question to the brunette.

Bad thinks but eventually caves,"fine. I will be calling someone if I can't handle you guys though"

There are cheers and beer is flying out of some cups,"calm down, calm down! I might change my mind!"

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