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TW: Derealisation
The air was icy, it was winter after all. Karl was hesitant at the door but eventually followed me out, Quackity on the phone, checking that we had everything before we left.

I don't know who he was calling but he was happy enough so it was probably Wilbur or Nathaniel.

I don't think I've ever liked Nathaniel as much as I have recently, he helped Karl. I still feel shit knowing I wasn't there for him though.

He sits in the back of the car with me, hand in hand, us waiting for Quackity.

"How are you feeling?" I ask Karl, squeezing his hand.

"Ecstatic. I can't believe I'm starting to feel happy again, not in a 'pick me boy' way, just in a 'I got assaulted, I'm better-ish now' way"

I cringe, "Karl, you might be ready to joke about it, but I'm not, ok?" It's true, it hurts when he casually brings it up in conversation like it's nothing. I've seen what it did to him so I don't want to relive the day after memories.

"I'm sorry" he says with a frown.

Quackity climb in the front of the car and turns to us, "you ready?" He asks.


Karl is singing at the top of his lungs, letting out all his emotions into a simple song.

I didn't think he could go louder but as we reach the chorus he is screaming.

Quackity harmonises with him as I sit, taking in the sight.

"OH GIRL IS YOOOOOOUUUUU~ " they shout as I laugh to myself.

Karl throws his hand in the air, bringing one of mine up with it.

Quackity turns a corner and picks up singing with Karl again.

"Sing with is nick!" Karl says, out of breath.

"OH GIRL IS YOOOOUUUU~" they finish the verse and start laughing, quackity seems to make Karl very happy so that makes me happy, if I get to spend more time with the both of them, I'm glad.

Quackitys voice has dropped to a low toned voice, mimicking CorpseHusband the best he can as he sings the next voice.

"You put your final suit on~
I paint my fingernails~"

I have to admit, he has a pretty amazing voice. I'll have to ask him to sing later.

"Oh we're going out in style babe~
And everything's on sale~"
Karl finishes the next sentence.

"We creep up on extinction~
I pull your arms right in~"
Quackity lets Karl take a break as he cuts in.

"I weep and say goodnight love~
While my organs pack it in~"
Karl comes next.

"And here it is, our final night alive~
And as the earth runs to the ground..."
They sing together, locking eyes momentarily as the car is on a straight road.


I join in this time, watching as Karl closes his eyes and throws his hands in the air again.

We are all shouting more then singing now, but we don't care, we're coming up to the park now.


Karl is giggling uncontrollably as he sings along in the back seat, Quackity stops singing to find a space to park but I'm all the same captivated by them.

Holy fuck... I love them.
I let myself forget about the club and about everything, as I sit in the car, singing along to one of my favourite songs.

I know my singing voice isn't the best but I don't care, I know they won't judge me.

I haven't been outside since two days after the club so this is weirdly nice.

The music is turned off as the car engine stops and we all clamber out.

I think I finally feel happy again, it might go away again later but I'm just going to ignore that as I enjoy the present, ignoring the future.

I hate worrying about what's to come, As long as Sapnap and Quackity are in it, I don't care.

We walk along the path, friendly conversation starting up between all of us until we get to the woods. We navigate our way to the opening on the cliffs edge and sit down, looking over to the city on the waters coast. The moon and stars high in the sky as we all sit in silence.

It hasn't changed a bit, the brambles have only gotten longer and so has the grass but other then that it's the same as before.

I look over to Quackity to see him smiling at the sky, I look over to Sapnap to see his eyes darting around, looking at multiple things at once.

They both look so beautiful under the moon light.

I start to forget all about everything as I look at their faces, everything feels so surreal. Like it's not actually happening, are we even real? No clue,but I don't care because I'm so happy in this moment.

I start to feel my eyelids get heavy, like I'm falling asleep again, I haven't slept properly in 2 days so I must be tired.

I know I'm emotionally exhausted and mentally exhausted but I'm only physically exhausted since now.

I let myself lie down, resting my hand on Sapnaps lap, his hand automatically starting to ruffle and play with my hair. I love the feeling so I close my eyes with a smile.

"I love you guys"
(Hey look at that, like 6 or 7 chapters out today! What would people think if I did a quick Adam Groff with techno? For those who haven't watched Sex Education on Netflix, do it. I watched it like 1-2 years ago and it's still the best show by far❗️😫)

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