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TW: major angst, violence, guns, rape mentions, suicide, organised crime, murder, blood detail, assault, unconstitutional kissing
"Wilbur messaged me, he's here. Are you guys ready?" Sapnap says, moving on the soft grey couch beside me.

"I'm so fucking ready!" I shout, I've always wanted to go to Spain or anywhere in Europe for a matter of fact.

Karl yawns and nods, sitting up from laying across my lap.

"I can't believe you're my husbands now" he mumbles, stretching out.

"Same here. I'm so fucking lucky" Sapnap kisses my temple and I get butterflies.

"Let's go, loves" I say, standing up and grabbing their hands and pulling them up to a stand.

We make our way through to the path, making sure not to dirty our suits.

We see the limo parked up front, some people staring at it in awe. Shit... we're going to be the centre of attention now.

Wilbur has the window rolled down and he waves at us, his creepy smile spreading and his eyes lighting up.

We all climb into the back and say our hellos then the drive starts. We small talk and eventually Wilbur reaches back and closes the window, locking it.

"Have some fun, it's your special day boys"

Weird. I was not about to have sex in the back of Wilburs rental limo. That would not be right.

Karl has other ideas, not sexual, he just sneaks a few kisses from the both of us before breaking apart and giggling.

We open up the window again and Wilbur greets our presence again.

"Only like 20 minutes until the airport now" he says, keeping his speedy pace.

(SONG: As the world caves in- Matt maltese)

We start crossing a bridge and something drops in my stomach. It feels off, Wilbur is slowing. I peek out the window and gasp.

"Wilbur! Stop! That's Nat!" Sapnap cries and Wilbur pulls over.

"Alex, you should get out" Wilbur suggests. It doesn't seem like a question and he is grinning at me in the mirror.

I don't know what to do so I panic and open the door, jumping out and running to the ledge Nathaniel is standing on, a gun to his head.

Karl, Sapnap and Wilbur exit hastily and come to my side.

The road is empty, just us in the night air. It's cold. I'm cold. We're cold.

I shudder and Nathaniel locks eyes with me. No emotion.

"This is you're fault. You did this" he mutters, his icy glare matching his tone.

"What...? We broke up mutually..."

"That's what you thought. And Karl" his eyes dart over to look at the brunette.

"You called me everyday after your little club mishap, you made me feel amazing, I felt like I was your best friend. Then you ghosted me, so revenge is something I need"

"I want you to feel pain, not like when she raped you, but more like, life long trauma. Wilbur here got a little jealous, decided to help me out. So stupid to trust him when you know his medical problems, so stupid. You never were very smart, Alexis. Weren't bothered to go to university, focused more on your relationship. Atleast Nick here has some sense, he did good in school, he avoided me, he's doing his work online to balance his life. He's just unlucky he's the one you fucking picked to cheat on me with. I meant every single punch. Alex, you broke me. Now I'm breaking you"

Nathaniel turned the gun from his head to face Quackity and my blood went cold, Wilbur moved from my side to grab Karl's shoulder.

He closed the gap between himself and my husband in a forced kiss, Karl pushing him away.

"Hey! What the fuck Wilbur! Get o-" Wilbur breaks the kiss and turns around to slap me, just as that happens he runs away to Nathaniels side.

"Please... Nat. This isn't worth it" Quackity chokes back sobs as Nathaniel cocks back the gun.

Karl is still frozen beside me when my ears ring from one single bullet being fired directly into my husbands heart.

Time slows and I can't feel anything, watching Quackity fall helplessly to the ground, blood spurting out of his chest in one long line of red.

Karl screams and I can feel my legs buckle under me while Nathaniel and Wilbur both jump backwards over the edge, committing murder suicide.

Karl runs forward while I slowly lose myself to unconsciousness.

When I wake up it's warm, I'm in a bed. My bed. Karl is on the chair beside me, tears falling from his eyes as he sobs. Amira is beside him, patting his back and crying quietly.

"What if he's gone?" Karl whimpers and Amira shakes her head.

"He still has a... a pulse"

Karl shakes his head a cry's harder.

"I'm. Im here" I mutter and they both look up. They look terrible, both pale and crying. Amira has mascara running down her face, she looks devastated.

"Nick..! Oh my god... what do you remember?"

"How long am I out?" I ask, sitting up and getting a headache immediately.

"3 days... what do you remember love?"

I rack my brain for the answer... then it hits me.

"WHERES ALEX" I shout, taking them both by surprise.

Karl starts crying again, "Nick... Alex is..."

"He's dead"

Now we are incomplete.

(I CANNOT WRITE ANGST- I will get better eventually, also, last official chapter!! But epilogue is being written now, I'll do some one shots of smut and fluff, ily! Go get a drink! H20 makes me cream 😫)

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