chapter 5

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*so sorry for the late update. Authors have been busy we will get to this as soon as possible :3 WARNING SEXUAL NSFW CONTENT......*

Courtney's P.O.V.

I was sleeping nicely until in my dream I heard myself singing to Gwen "I need your love,I need your time, when everything's wrong you make it right, I feel so high,I come alive, I need to be free with you tonight, I need your love." I suddenly snapped back to reality as my phone went off.

Sure I liked some classical music too but I also like pop and now days music. I clicked the answer button on it.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey........are you busy?" Gwen asked me.

"Uhhh no...." I said as I jumped out of bed and started putting on a white sweater shirt and jeans with a light brown beige color scarf with ankle boots.

"Ohhh okay. Well I want you to come over and meet me at the coffee shop we went to can bring your friends if you want, my worker Brian is here." She said on the phone.

"Yeah okay, I'll be there in a bit." I said putting my hair in a messy bun and putting on some make up.

"Okay great. See you. Bye." She said as she hung up.

I quickly went to brush my teeth as I put on lipgloss and grabbed my purse phone and keys. I opened the door and saw Layla and Hana on the couch.

"Anyone wanna come to the café with me? No? Kay bye." I said as was about to walk out the door as Layla got up from the couch as she was already dressed.

She had a maroonish auburn color with a gray blouse with beige boots and her hair curled short.

"Wait!" She said running up to me. "I could use a coffee." She said and grabbed her purse and opened the door.

"Oh okay." I said.

"Hana you wanna come?" I asked her.

"No thank you." She said as she was lying down on the couch and clicked to watch Orange Is The New Black as she was drinking an iced coffee.

"Hmm okay. Let me or Layla know if you need anything." I said.

"Yeah yeah, okay thanks." She said a her eyes were glued to the TV.

I closed the door as Layla walked out the door. We took a cab to the café as we walked inside we saw Gwen wave at me as Layla smirked and I rolled my eyes.

I went to sit down across from Gwen. As when Layla sat down across from Brian......I swear I saw them look at each other and there was hearts in each others eyes I smirked at her and laughed.

"Courtney, this is Brian, Brian this is Courtney my gir- friend!" Gwen caught herself as she blushed darkly and bit her lip which was pretty cute.

"Hi nice to meet you." I said shaking his hand.

"Hello." He said shaking my hand.

"And who's this fine lady over here?" He smirked and looked at Layla which caused her to blush.

Brian had grey blue eyes,pure blonde hair with sunglasses on top of his head, a white shirt with a sort of jean jacket on, black jeans and some brown shoe boots on.

"This is my friend Layla." I said as Layla was blushing and just waved at Gwen and Brian.

I smirked and laughed at her. She elbowed me in the arm to stop and so I did. It was a little quiet till Gwen started talking about Brian and about how he helps her and stuff. Pretty soon when Gwen and Brian were done talking about the artwork and businesses Gwen took my hand to hold which made me blush.

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