Chapter 3

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Courtney's P.O.V

As soon as we left, we took a small wall across the street to go eat at the fancy restaurant which had different varieties of French food as I looked at the menu, I was glad the waiters at least know how to speak English.

I ordered a Pot-au-feu with red wine which looked the most appetizing to me. Hana got baked brie and bread with regular wine and Layla got Tartiflette with white wine. We than started having small talk when our food came when Hana looked over and was looking at something

"hey, look." Hana said pointing at the poster behind me.

I turned around to see

"Look an Art Gallery, we should go, I'd love to see the Art and its only about a block away." Hana said as we were eating.

"Sure, it sounds good." Layla said as she sipped her wine.

I looked to read the details of it. "Okay fine, but I'm not gonna be so good walking in shoes that isn't made for walking." I said laughing.

They laughed and Hana rolled her eyes as she finished up her dish. Pretty soon after about 10 minutes me and Layla finished as Hana paid for the meal.

We started heading out and walked a block to the Art gallery, the place was big and beautiful and super elegant, there were a bunch of amazing paintings and a huge chandelier in the room. The places was a bit crowded but it looked pretty worth it. Hana and Layla went down the other aisle.

I went down an aisle full of pictures and drawings of beaches,nature and even one of a court room which looked super realistic. I looked in awe at the picture. I heard footsteps coming behind me as I saw a goth girl come by me.

She wasn't like those other goth girls with the half shaved hair and had a lot of piercings. She looked pretty well good actually, she was shorter than me, had pale skin, was wearing Gothic make up, with dark blue lipstick, a long vampireish goth dress with a skull bow in her black with teal streak pixie cut hair and a wonderful smell of Dior midnight perfume.

I know its rude to stare but she just looked perfect. I then saw her lips moved and I snapped out my gaze.

"Ummm excuse, what did you say?" I asked her.

" Aimez-vous cette peinture?" She said as I heard her voice which was actually pretty sexy, it was a husky raspy voice.

"Oh- I'm sorry I don't-." She cut me off and said

"I'm just kidding. I speak English." She laughed and stook out her hand. "Hi my name is Gwen and may I say, you look like a true painting of a goddess." She said to me chuckling.

Did she really just say that? I blushed lightly. I know I'm not here to look for love but here for work but there's just something about her that......I don't know...... I blushed and took her hand to shake

"Hi I'm Courtney." I said shaking her hand.

Gwen's P.O.V.

Okay I know I'm not the flirty kind but this girl did look like a pure goddess, she had a nice tan mocha skin, cute curly hair, nice hour glass figure body,little freckles on her nose, the smell of her love spell perfume definitely had me under her spell, her cute little high voice,her nicely done make up, every little inch of her was just perfect.

She was definitely my kind of girl, very feminine but eh I doubt it, she's probably like all those other straight girls and would probably be creeped out at me if she found out my sexual orientation.

Yes, I am a lesbian, I got pretty sick of guys after the last one I dated, I than turned to girls, which I thought was a lot better in my opinion. Its always the pretty girls that gotta be straight. But she blushed at my compliment. That's a good sign right? And her name is just beautiful......

"Well hi Courtney." I said smiling.

"I am the artist of all these paintings you see right here." I smiled.

I know right now she's a stranger but I'd love to get to know her. Ugh sometimes I hate being all into this lovey dovey shit. That's really why one of the reasons I did art, it took away all the things that made me feel bad in the real world and felt better when I drew it out in abstract art and stuff.

"Well I'd like to say, these paintings are very beautiful and inspirational." She smiled looking at the picture of the abstract art I made next to the court room painting.

This girl seems like those A type preppy girls but seemed a lot nicer.

"Thank you." I said smiling.

I probably was blushing too ugh. I hate my life. I wonder where she's from. She's definitely not from here cause she couldn't understand my French that well.

"Where are you speak good English?" I asked her.

"Oh I'm from Canada." She said looking at the paintings. "Are you from here?"

"no." I laughed "I'm actually originally from Canada too. But I came here for art school and to do paintings. Are you new to this environment?"

"Yeah. I actually just came here recently."

She smiled and her smile was super beautiful.......I totally am crushing on this chick.

"Hmmm that's cool." I smiled

"hey......well I can show you around here tomorrow if you want....." I smiled blushing probably as red as a tomato

"yeah sure." She smiled warmly

"I'd like that......" I then took out a piece of paper and wrote down my name and number and gave it to her.

"But you don't have to if you don't wanna.....just only if you want to....." I said blushing and rubbing my hand behind my neck nervously.

"Nah. Its okay. I would love to." She smiled at me.

"Yep just call me up." I said smiling.

"Of course......" She said.

Just than I saw two girls come down the aisle me and Courtney were in.

"Okay Courtney are you ready to- oh.......hi." A girl with green eyes said.

"Hello......" I said.

"Oh Layla,Hana, this is Gwen, she made all this amazing art over here." Courtney said pointing at the art making me blush.

I saw Hana give a smirk. Was I that red? Fuck......

"Well Gwen, it was nice meeting you but I guess I gotta go." Courtney said with a bit of a sad look. Well.......I think it was sad.......

"ohhh eh. Okay." I smiled halfly.

"Well just call me when you're available." I said blushing red not wanting her to go.

"Okay bye." She said as she turned walked away.

My eyes caught her butt as she walked away but I quickly turned around before anyone saw and I swear to god my face has turned a whole new shade of red......I looked up at my paintings as a thought came to mind.......the art show was over so I cleaned up the place and put my paintings away and went into my car, drove my car to my house(for the next 5 years).

I drove into my driveway, put my paintings somewhere in my living room. Went into my art room and draw/paint out the feeling I was having from that Latina girl.

Courtney's P.O.V.

As I walked home with Layla and Hana, I walked into my room feeling love struck as I check the time its 10:00pm, I still felt a bit up so I went to go do some work, I kept getting a bit distracted by her.....Gwen.....but I'm not here for love. I scoffed to myself. I'm here for work and study not to find love.

I then went to go do some paper work and get about 3 papers done as I checked the time it was 11:00 as the hour went by I took a quick shower before going to settle down in bed. I laid there thinking about her......I knew it was bad but.....I don't know.....I can't be rude and not call her tomorrow, she seems like she really wanted me to call her. I'm just going to......but I'm not gonna fall for her I can't......I just can't......those thoughts faded away as I drifted into a sleep

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