Chapter 7

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Hana 's Pov

I've been chilling in the living room till for the past hour when Layla came in. Finally it's been awhile since I saw Gwen leave our suit .

" Hey. "I say following her to her room

"Hey."she smiles sweetly
She looks very happy for some reason

"You look so happy , almost as happy Courtney" I giggle at her being so swoony

"What do you mean?" Layla asks

"Well i was just coming out to watch some TV and eat some chips, and then I heard weird noises coming from the room next to me when I heard someone yell and moan the names Courtney and Gwen......2 hours later Courtney came out and I just had a huge smirk and smile on my face and was like 'I heard what you two were doinggggg' And Courtney was denying it and I think Her and Gwen took a hot bath together after anyway the point is GWEN AND COURTNEY ARE TOGETHER!" I smiled happily

" aww thats so sweet. That so great." Layla grins

"What's so great?" Courtney asks coming in

"Nothing." Layla and I said in union as the smiled

"Good cause I have great news ... Gwen and I are together" Courtney says

"Oh really." Layla says pretending she didn't know

I smirked at her

"SO ITS OFFICIAL?" I yelled with a huge smile on my face

"Yep." Courtney blushes

"That reminds me I needed to tell you something." Layla says to courtney

"What is it." She asks

" I was with Brian when I heard Gwen come over and to talk him about you"

"What she say."

" I kind of was Brian and I heard Gwen talking about how much she loves you and how much you mean to her and about what happened at the love lock sounded like she poured her heart to Brian about how she felt about you"

"Awww how sweet I am just fangirling . They are just too cute... They need a ship name ... Its gonna Courn or Gwourtney .... Both are great"

Courtney blushes and tries to change the topic

" What were you doing over at Brian's" she asks.

"Uh nothing." Layla said turning away

"Oh come on ...tell us." Courtney insists

"I SAID NOTHING CAUSE ITS NONE OF YOUR GODDAMN BUSINESS STOP BEING SO FREAKIN NOESY " Layla snaps storming out the room even though we were in hers
Courtney looked at me with a shock expression.

Courtney gasped still in shock

"Excuse me......she can't talk to me like that!" Courtney frowned and crossed her arms.

"Don't worry......I wonder what's been up with her." Just than I hear vomiting and starts hyperventilating

"uhhhh I'm gonna go into the other room!!!" I yelled and ran as I covered my ears trying to breath.

Yeah I have emetophobia.....I know its a natural thing to vomit but I'm still terrified of it. I ran into the room as I started thinking

"Should it be Courn or Gwourtney?" I smirked and started thinking.

Laylas P.O.V.

I just finished throwing up and was brushing my teeth and using mouthwash to freshen
My breath. This have been happening so much lately... Basically every day.

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