Then his eyes landed on a familiar figure, her long black hair hung down her back in silky waves and her tight, olive green dress perfectly encased her curves. His eyes widened and his mouth watered, it was her. Aleksandra.


"For fucks sake." Seb groaned as he got up from the bed and went to the window. "I told her, not tonight. Tonight she stays here. She's been hungover two days running."

"If you want my advice, she goes now. Ring Hintsa in the morning, see if they can send someone on a flight out to here or better still see if anyone can fill in from the team. Someone must have some sort of fitness training experience and be able to step in." Britta took one more look around Alex's empty room before stepping out and closing the door.

He scratched his chin, his first and deepest instinct was that he didn't want Alex to go yet. The attraction to her that he was trying to fight meant that he didn't want her to go at all. Then that thought made him feel angry at himself; Gisela wanted Alex gone and he'd always promised his wife that if she wasn't happy then he'd go back to have a male PT, someone she felt she could trust. He had to put his marriage first, he had three young children to think of.

Britta could tell by the silence from his end that he was thinking it over and she was quite surprised that he wasn't immediately agreeing with her. Like Gisela, she wanted Alex gone too. Alex had proved time and again that she wasn't the right person to be working with Seb and he'd given her plenty of time to change her ways. After he'd confided in her that Alex had issues (though he wouldn't say what those issues were) she also knew that he was probably only letting her see out her six month contract because he felt like he could probably help her. Unfortunately for him Alex was one of those people that couldn't be helped. "Seb, she's got to go. You've got to admit defeat, you can't change her and you can't help her, no matter how much you're trying."

He stared out of the window, his view from the famous Hôtel de Paris overlooking the road and fountain that everyone saw on tv while the race was going on. Maybe this was about helping Alex but it was more about their sexual attraction to each other. It was about how she made him feel, the confidence boost he got from those times she was very obviously checking him out and the kick he got out of the times when they'd stubbornly refuse to break each other's lustful stares. It was about the strong electrical charge he felt when she touched him or he touched her, how it made his insides turn to molten lava, gave him that furious, primal urge to fuck her senseless and how his curiosity about her made him want to break down the last of her defences to see the real woman beneath her icy, distant exterior.

"Seb." Britta tried again when he failed to answer. Admitting defeat was something that was ingrained in him not to do, giving up wasn't an option until every other avenue had been exhausted.

He wondered which nightclub she was in, how drunk she probably she was, which married man she'd got her claws into. Then he felt stupidly jealous. "Leave it with me, I'll deal with it." He sighed, finally answering her.

Britta smiled with satisfaction as she walked back down the corridor towards her room. "You're making the right decision."

He nodded mutely before ending the call. If Britta thought that Alex was leaving tomorrow then she was wrong. She would be leaving but not yet, not until he'd fully made his mind up.


Alex's Channing Tatum lookalike actually turned out to be called David and the pair had taken a break from the dance floor and were now kissing hungrily in between downing tequila shots.

She'd not noticed Soren, rising like a spectre from the booth behind her, peering down at her with clenched fists. He was fucking furious. The cheating bitch! By now he'd got bored of the blonde woman who'd just offered to suck him off in the men's toilets. He wanted Alex to suck him off, he wanted to see her on her knees begging him for mercy and forgiveness before he gripped her by her hair and shoved his dick down her throat. He wanted to beat the man, whose bottom lip she was now pulling on with her teeth, into a pulp; leaving him so battered that no woman would ever look at him again, especially his Alex. He wanted to punish her for this, for so openly doing this in front of him. He wanted to punish her for every man she'd probably slept with since they'd been apart. His hands twitched as he thought about wrapping them around her throat. He was so going to make her pay.

She was too drunk to even think of her violent ex. Alcohol was good like that, it made her forget - at least until she was sober again. She broke for air and looked at David, he looked a wreck much like she did. His brown hair was all messed up where she'd been running her fingers through it, his eyes were half closed as he strained to look at her through his drunken, spinning vision and his mouth hung open. He didn't look very attractive at all. She still said those familiar words though, "let's take this back to your room."

The dirty, agreeable smile she got from him in return said it all and just as David scrambled up to his unsteady feet, Soren was momentarily distracted by the blonde who was literally offering herself to him on a plate.

He looked at her in disgust. The poor, desperate cow is too drunk to even be able to suck an ice lolly, let alone my dick. He roughly pushed her away, snarling something insulting at her in Dutch, she was no match for Alex. As the blonde, Sarah, staggered away looking upset he went back to looking at the booth behind him, at Alex. She'd gone.

With David holding her hand tightly they ran along the pavement, both of them sounding out of breath after only a few paces.

Alex was giggling as she ran, letting him pull her along, oblivious to the disapproving looks from people that they passed.

Soren dashed out of the club, he could not let her leave with that guy. Alex belonged to him and him alone and he was about to make his presence known to her, then he'd drag her back to his hotel room kicking and screaming if he had to. He'd soon make her see the error of her ways and she'd soon be his once more. His feet skidded to a sharp halt on the pavement and his head jerked from left to right repeatedly, looking for any glimpse of her. She'd disappeared and he had no idea which way she'd gone.


She was slightly taken aback to find out that David was staying in the same hotel as her but he quickly wiped that out of her mind the second she found herself slammed back against the door. His lips roughly crushed down on hers, their kisses a mess of saliva, clashing teeth and tongues. He clearly wanted to be in charge and Alex didn't like that one bit. She pushed him back and held him at arms length. "Hey, someone's eager. Calm it down a little, we've got all night."

He stood there, breathing so heavily he was almost panting, his eyes wide and crazed looking, his black trousers straining at his groin.

"Why don't we have another drink?" She suggested, patting the wall until she found the light switch. The room lit up even brighter and she brushed past him, looking for the mini bar. Bending to open the small fridge and inspect its contents, she suddenly realised that she needed a wee. It didn't matter, the en-suite was close by. "You find us a drink and I'll just use the bathroom." She turned to face him, he was stood there, open mouthed and palming himself through his trousers. This one was going to be a handful, she could tell. Leaving him to continue touching himself, she went into the en-suite and turned on the light. What she saw horrified her and made her realise that she was making a huge mistake. Hanging up on a pullout washing line, on a hanger, was a familiar green race overall. Down one leg was the name 'Aston Martin', he was one of the team, one of the guys, it was time to leave. David may be another married, weak, cheating bastard but she gave herself strict rules that shagging someone from her own team was not allowed - unless his name was Sebastian Vettel. "I've got to go." She announced as she came dashing out of the bathroom.

"Noooo....don't go." David drawled, staggering towards her and uselessly reaching out to try and grab her as she passed him. "You said we had all night."

"You never told me that you work for Aston Martin." She stopped and spun on her heel to face him.

"You never asked, whys it a problem?" He asked, starting to strip off in the hope that doing that would make her stay. "Anyway, I'm not on Seb's team, I'm on Lance's."

That didn't make any difference to Alex, she wasn't going to sleep with David, photo the evidence and then send it on when she knew that she'd have to see him at work. David could create just as many problems for her as she could for him. She turned away and headed for the door, mumbling a slurred, "I'm sorry" as she shut the door behind her. That had been a close one.

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