Chapter 12 - Strange Traveler

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Dainsleif was unable to mask the surprise he felt. It showed from how his eyes widened and how his brows twitched up slightly. But even so, he moved to follow the woman down the dirt path. As they walked, he heard her mumbling about a cliffside that she had pinned somewhere on an object called the interactive map.

Dainsleif was not sure of what to think about her. After all of his years alive, it was not an easy thing to catch him in surprise. And yet, this woman had done it so easily. During their first interaction with each other. He has to admit that she caught his attention more than he'd like. Having his attention divided may prove as a distraction in his quest to bring down the Abyss Order, after all. This time he is spending following the woman could be spent trying to find out about the Abyss's plans.


He turned his attention back to the woman walking in front of him, humming an unfamiliar melody under her breath as she led them deeper into the woods of Wolvendom.

Well, he had always found interest in trying to know more about the unknown. And this woman was someone he knows absolutely nothing about. It serves as a double purpose, one could say. To find out if she was a threat towards his mission and... To satisfy his curiosity for her.

(Y/n was humming Spring Day. if she had no dignity, she would be yelling bogoshipda so loud that even Inazuma can hear her)

He found that the h/c-haired woman seemed to be admiring everything in their surroundings as they walked, looking at everything as if she is seeing them for the first time. It struck Dainsleif as rather odd that she knew exactly where she was going and yet seemed to be in awe over every little thing. Had she never been to these parts before?

Ah. She did say he could ask her anything. He should just ask her then.

"You... Who are you? Why is it that I do not know of your existence?" he asked the woman.

She paused from sniffing the mint flower she had picked and glanced back at him.

"I am just a traveler," she answered, turning to look forward once more and walked towards the edge of the cliff. "And you may not know of me since I arrived in this world a mere five days ago."

"Arrived in this world, you say?" he mumbled, watching as the woman peered down the edge of the cliff. "That would imply that you are not from Teyvat."

"You are correct, I am not from Teyvat," she said before she turned back at him, pointing down at a cluster of shiny crystal ores. "The ores are down there. Do you have a wind-glider? We probably need to glide down to reach it."

"I do not possess a wind glider," he said. "But that is not necessary. I will wait for you down near the ores."

"Hmm, okay. If you say so," she said with a shrug, going to open her wind glider. "See you down there, then."

Dainsleif flashed down the cliff, appearing just beside the crystals sprouting from the rocks. He stood idly there waiting for the woman to make an appearance, brows furrowing slightly when she did not come after five minutes. The sounds of a commotion, however, caught his attention. It was just down near the shores of Cider Lake, and he left the ores to find the source of the noises. Sounds of hilichurl cries, thumps, and a familiar voice filled his ears.

He was greeted with the sight of an angrily yelling h/c-haired woman fighting off the hilichurls that were around her.

"WHAT THE FUCK? I DIDN'T EVEN PROVOKE YOU PIECES OF SHITS!" he heard her yell out in annoyance as she slashed and swung her blade at them. "THIS NOT VERY POGCHAMP OF YOU."

He stood there, unsure if he should step in and help the woman fight the creatures off. But he watched as she, despite grumbling out a flurry of complaints, steadily force the group of hilichurls into the waters and shoot electric bolts at them. He decides that she was more than capable.

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