Chapter 1 Hotel's are nice

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Miniladd's POV
I got off the airport near 12:00pm, right now I'm at San Antonio for Pax South. I'm supposed to meet Evan (Vanoss) here, he texted me before I left asking for any help with my luggage but I can't seem to find him...oh wait, there he is.
I saw him sitting on a bench texting on his phone. "Yo Evan, over here!" I furiously waved my arm in the air to signal him. He looked up and smiled at me.

He walked over to me "Hey dude,You want to check out a room?" He asked looking over at me "All of our friends are staying at the same hotel although, I haven't checked into a hotel yet. Maybe we should join the party. It's really close by its only like a 15 minute walk, it was amazing but I wanted to help you with your luggage so I didn't check in."

We both started walking somewhere I'm guessing to the hotel. I didn't really care I forgot to reserve a spot so hopefully this hotel isn't busy.

We walked in silence, I don't know why but we wound up carrying my luggage instead of taking a taxi.....were so smart. Evan stopped in front of a large building which I'm guessing is the hotel? Evan turned around making a hand movement motioning me to follow him.

We both wandered inside, it looked pretty fancy. Evan and I both decided to share a room after he told me how the rest of our friends decided to slipt off into groups of two.

We got into our room, which looked like a little mini apartment. There were two rooms, the one we were in had a couch with a TV sitting on a desk and a small kitchen behind. There was another room, inside there were two beds a lamp sitting on a nightstand in between them forming a gap in the middle and a bathroom was on the other side. A window and a balcony were seen from the bed farthest away from the door, the bed sheets were a simple brown.

It looked good enough to me so I walked over and plopped down into the bed which was surprisingly comfortable, it looked rough but when you last on it, is like heaven. "Ready for a big day tomorrow?" I heard from behind. "Yup and let's hope the Pax plague won't be there." I turned around to face Vanoss "Heh yeah good luck to you bud." And he walked over to the bed next to the window. Rumble. "Whoops...." I mumbled which was followed by a laugh from behind. "Are you hungry?" Asked Vanoss. I nodded in reply and so we spent the rest of the evening exploring different places and looking for food.

We got home stuffed. I just wanted to sleep already so I went straight for the bed. "Tomorrow's the day" I chanted throughout my head.

------------------------------------------------------------------------ From the creator of this story: I don't really know what to say. This is my first story and I hoped you enjoyed it. I'm going to work on new stories in the future but for now, I'm starting out small OK? I think I need to work on my writing skills a little and this seemed like a good idea at the time so this is my cruddy story.(I'm sorry if I start to mix their real names in with their YouTube names...) I also like to point out that I'm not just sticking to vanoss or Miniladd, I'm going to write my own story but I wanted to practice so....yeah. I'm also Mormon so that's why there's no cussing sorry about that. Not really a religious freak though. Sorry if this is long but anyways bye 0w0

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