18| glowing

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I bit back a chuckle as I looked at Jett, who was trying so hard to keep Isabella in her lane. Her face looked livid, ready to hurt. She was a sweetheart, but a little bit too protective over the people she cared about. And at the moment it was the person against Elias.

This match wasn't as easy as the previous one had been. His opponent was two times his size, and probably a mind reader, because he seemed to know exactly what Elias was going to do next. He blocked off all his punches, and caught him off guard. He had punched Elias three times in his stomach, and two on his face.

When the referee blew the whistle for a time out, Eli's coach rushed to him, no doubt giving him some inputs. He was breathing harshly, sweat dripping down his body, staring at his opponent. I looked at his expression, and walked down the stairs. Climbing a step towards the ring, I poked my head between the bars. "Elias?"

He snapped his gaze to mine. "He's fucking me up. I don't know what to do-"

"What's your strength?" I asked. "What do you do best?"

"Agility." He exhaled harshly, closing his eyes. "Confuse the opponent."

"Why aren't you confusing him?" I whispered just when the referee blew the whistle again. He got up, looking at me the last time. "Confuse him, baby. Be less predictable. Surprise him."

He walked in front of his opponent with a new confidence. I walked back to the seats. Isabella had her eyes glued to the match but Jett looked at me. "What did you tell him?"

"I made him remember what he's good at." I replied, smiling when he dodged a punch aimed at his face. 

Elias swung his fist on the other man's stomach, who, in order to protect himself, shifted his hands from his face to his lower body. And that's when he got punched in the face, because his focus had shifted in defending something else. Elias got two more punches like that, gaining his confidence back. He was aware of his strengths, which he used to his advantage, and he also knew his weakness, which he didn't let the other guy use against him.

Elias won again. Not easily, but he did, and at the end of the day that's what people remember. Isabella's shout was the loudest, and the glare she sent to the other guy was enough to make me shiver. The crowd cheered too, it seemed no one had actually wanted him to lose.

Then he turned around and did the cheesiest shit I'd ever seen in my life before. He pointed to me, then to his heart, then blew me a kiss, whispering a small, "Thank you."

And even though it was so cliche, I still felt my heartbeat go wild. My mouth turned up into the biggest of smiles and I winked at him. There were some questions raised by his fans, but he didn't answer any as he jumped down the ring, walking into the changing rooms.

"That was so awesome." Isabella shrieked around me. "He literally just dedicated his whole win to you."

"He shouldn't have." I replied. "I just reminded him of something he already knew. He won by his own efforts."

Elias reappeared from the changing rooms after ten minutes, now dressed in black ripped jeans and a white tee. A leather jacket on top, two silver chains around his neck. He stopped by to talk to some people who approached him, then continued his walk towards me. I was sitting on a bar stool, and he didn't feel like bending down, so he pulled my hands, making me stand up, then cupped my jaw and kissed me.

"Hey you." I whispered against his lips. "Congratulations."

"He hit my jaw. It hurts, Ava. Kiss it better?" He murmured.

I chuckled. "You can apply an ointment on it, because that is what will make it better."


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