Return to Volterra

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Evangeline's POV

I'm shaken awake by Danny, I go ask him what's wrong and he shushes me. "We have to leave, right now" he tells me. I nod my head and grab my bag. We exit the tent and he looks to our right freezing.

"What is it?" I ask him worried.

"They've found us" he states. He falls to the ground screaming in pain.

"Danny!" I shout kneeling next to him.

"You're a hard girl to find Evangeline" a guy says. I look up to see two members of the Volturi guard. I gulp as I recognize Jane.

"Please, don't hurt him. He was bringing me to the human camp, so that I can return to Volterra" I tell them. Danny stops screaming.

"Name" Jane says.

"Daniel Radcliff, you're Jane and Demetri. I found this girl half starved a couple days ago. When she saw her family on TV, she begged that I take her to the nearest human camp. So that she can be reunited with her family" he states.

"You drink human blood" Demetri states.

"Don't worry I didn't touch her, I have blood bags" Danny states. "Now that you're here, you can take her and I can return home" he states.

"What makes you think we'd allow you to leave?" Demetri asks him.

"I have no quarrel with the Volturi, I wish to return to my quiet life" Danny states.

"Jane?" Demetri asks.

"Our instructions were to retrieve the girl alive and unharmed. We have no quarrel with him" she states. "Leave now, before we change our minds" she tells Danny.

"Great, well nice meeting you both. Stay out of trouble human" he tells me. Before dashing away and Demetri grabs my arm.

"We're returning to Volterra, no funny business" he tells me.

"I only want to see my family safe and unharmed" I state.

"And you will, if you behave" Jane tells me.

"Please, can I speak to them?" I ask them.

"I have to call Aro anyway" Demetri states.

"I'll call Alec and Felix, tell them to meet us at the airport" Jane states. They both take out a phone dialing different numbers. "We have her, meet us at the airport. Organize a flight back to Italy" she tells the person. Demetri puts his phone on speaker.

"Master Aro, he have your prize. Alive and unharmed as instructed. She wishes to speak to her family" Demetri states.

"Excellent" Aro says. I hear him pass the phone to someone.

"Sissy?" Mitch asks.

"Mitch!" I say relieved.

"Sissy, they found you!" he cheers.

"Are you all ok?" I ask him worried.

"Yes, King Aro has been taking excellent care of us. We're going to be a family forever" he states. "He wants to talk to you" he says.

"Evangeline, I do hope you are well" Aro says.

"Please don't hurt them, I'm on my way back with your guard. I wish to make a deal" I tell him.

"We shall discus it on your return" he states. "Demetri, make sure she comes back in one piece" he says before hanging up.

"Alec has a plane waiting for us" Jane states.

"Good, get on my back and hold on tight" Demetri tells me. I nod my head and hop on wrapping my arms and legs around him. He and Jane take off running at full speed. Soon we reach a private airport to see two other guards.

"Well done sister" one says. He must be Alec and I remember the other is Felix. He's the one who killed Cole. I get off Demetri's back. He walks me onto the plane and makes sure I put my seat belt on. We soon take off.

"You should rest, it's an eighteen hour flight" Felix states.

"I just woke, I don't need sleep" I state.

"Leave the girl be Felix" Alec tells him.

"Do you want some food? Or something to drink?" Jane asks me.

"Water is fine and a sandwich" I tell her. She goes the bar and brings them to me. "Thank you" I say. "I hope you don't mind me asking, but you and Alec look young. How old were you, when you turned?" I ask curious.

"We were thirteen" she states. "We displayed strong psychic abilities that were evident even as humans. We were considered witches" she explains.

"We were going to be burned at the stake. But Aro saved us and turned us. We joined the Volturi and became elite members of the guard quickly" Alec states.

"He saved you?" I ask shocked.

"Yes, he knew from the beginning we'd have strong gifts. He was going to wait until we were older. But the superstitious locals of our old village made him move things ahead of schedule" Jane states.

"What about you two?" I ask Demetri and Felix curious.

"I was turned by the leader of the Egyptian coven. He trained me. When the Volturi learned my tracking skills were better then their current tracker. They offered me a position. I replaced him and ave been the Volturi's sole tracker ever since. Hence why I was set with this lot to track you down" Demetri explains.

"I to was turned by Aro and have served as the executioner for many centuries" Felix states. I nod my head and enjoy my sandwich & water. Then look out the window thinking. They all ignore me on the flight to Volterra, I fell asleep nine hours later.

Jane wakes me and says we'll be landing soon. I put my sit back in the up right position and put my seat belt on. We land and there is a car waiting. I get in the back with the twins as Felix drives with Demetri in the front passenger seat.


Picture above of Demetri and Jane together.

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