chapter 16.

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Sorry for the absence! I was on vacation and I wanted to dedicate myself completely to my friends, hope you all like the chapter <3

"So... what should we do now?" I ask Toji as we both lay down on the couch. I would really like to know him better but every time we start talking we end  up making out.

"You aren't satisfied yet, huh?" he cockily asks me, with his usual smirk.

"That's not what I meant dumbass, we have to wait until tomorrow and we can't even leave this place."

"No one said we can't go out, Geto just said you can't be alone."

He's right, we're not locked inside, we can go outside.

"Would you like to go for a walk then?" I ask him.

"No." He answers with a bothering smile printed on his face.

"Should I go ask Geto instead? I'm pretty sure he woul-"

I immediately get interrupted by Toji's big hand covering my mouth.

"You need to stop trying me like this, do you want me to hit that kid in front of you?"

"I don't see how that would make sense." I answer him as soon as he takes his hand off my face.

"What?" He asks confused.

"I'm the one who bothers you, why should you hit Suguru?"

"Shut the fuck up."

I loudly laugh at him, it's so easy to annoy him.

"So... we going out or what?" I ask Toji again, hoping he will change his mind.

He doesn't reply, instead he gets up and walk towards the door. I won.

I hurry after him, hugging his arm with both my hands.

"Thank youuuu, Toji," I purposely raise my voice tone to annoy him even more.

While we're walking in a small forest near our houses I can hear some low noises around us, still I don't pay much attention to it since the fields are full of animals that obviously make noise.

Toji is tense, I can see it by the way his jaw is clenched and the way he constantly looks around.

"You really took seriously this thing of protecting me?" I say chuckling, secretly flustered by it.

"If you are going to die, I want to be the one who's killing you." Toji says with a grin.

"Bring it on, old man." I reply him jokingly assuming a fighting position.

"You already saw that I can beat you, stop being cocky and ask me gently to train you." He says grabbing my neck with one of his big hands, the grin is still on his face.

We get interrupted by a black car that stops right in front of us. Toji immediately puts his body in front of mine, trying to protect me.

The driver door opens, but since I'm behind Toji's huge body I can't see who's getting out of the car.

"Who are you?" Toji asks to the person who was driving the car, clearly confused about why there's a car in a forest.

" I'm not interested in whoever you are, I'm here for the girl that's hiding behind your back." The unknown person replies. I can say that he's a boy by his voice, he looks pretty young too.

I stick my head out from behind Toji's body and I see a tall boy, he must be around my age. He isn't as tall as Toji, and he also looks pretty skinny.

"May I ask you what you need from me?" I question the boy who's now facing me.

He doesn't reply, he just walks towards me and grabs my face with his hand, squeezing it harshly.

"So that's true, you got a cute face sweet thing." He finally speaks, totally ignoring my previous question.

Toji tries to grab his arm but three men who were hiding behind the trees run towards him to immobilise him. "What the fuck?!" Toji growls at the men who are holding him.

I grab the boy's wrist and force him to let go of my face, "I asked you a question, and I'm expecting you to reply." I say to him, my eyes full of anger.

"You're so feisty Kami-chan, I'm going to have some fun with you before we take you to the boss." The boys says with a evil laugh.

"Oh no, you won't take her anywhere." Toji says, freeing himself from the men who were immobilising him. He tries to grab the boy by his neck but on of his men violently hits him in the head, making him lose consciousness.

"Toji!" I scream at his, seeing him fall on his knees before laying down on the ground.

"Put him in the car too." The guy orders to the others. The quickly obey, struggling to lift Toji's heavy body.

"Going back to us... It was such a shame you weren't in your room the other day, you made us waste a lot of time." He says, sticking out the lower lip as if he was a sad kid.

"Let him go." I growl at him, ignoring what he just said to me.

"I don't like your tone" He says, this time grabbing my neck, "You're not in a good situation sweetie, you should be more careful about your words."

"You won't be able to kill me." I mock him, torching his arm and making him moan in pain.

"You're such a pain." He says massaging his arm. "The games are over, now you can get in the car by your will or else I will make you."

"I guess you will have to drag my body inside the car then."

"Girls are cuter when they do what they're told." He says, massaging his temples.

"You ugly as hell all the time instead, honey."

"I'm going close that petty mouth of yours as soon as we get to the place." He growls at me, clearly bothered by my attitude.

"Can't wait to see you trying." I laugh at him, crossing my arms on my chest.

"Come here, she will be harder than expected to take." He screams, calling the men that just finished taking Toji in the car.

I can't even grab one of my knives from under my skirt that one of the men hits me on the head as well, making me drop down on the ground. Before I lose consciousness, I feel the annoying boy lifting me up from the ground and starting to walk to the car.

I try to stay alert but the hit I got was very violent, and all the blood I'm loosing from my head makes it even harder not to faint.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2021 ⏰

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