chapter 8.

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Geto was already in the hall, waiting for me.

"I'm ready." I say while walking down the stairs to reach him. His eyes travel down my whole body a couple of times before he finally greets me with a smile.

"Alright. Let's go, Kami."

We get back to the car that was still in front of the building, Geto opens the front door for me and invites me to get in. The air is tense between us, way more than usual, maybe Toji is right.

I ignore my thoughts and look at him, he isn't wearing is usual kimono but a light blue shirt and some suit pants. Also, his hair are tied up in a bun with just a few strands hanging on his forehead.

He looks so elegant, I kinda feel bad for wearing a mini skirt and an oversized t-shirt. I hope the place he is taking me to doesn't require a special dress code.

"You look absorbed in your thoughts, Kami, is everything fine?" he asks me taking his eyes off the street for a few seconds.

"Uhm, yeah... I'm just... You look kinda dressed up for a fancy restaurant, I was wondering if I should have wore something else." I confess him slightly flustered.

"Don't worry, you look absolutely beautiful and your outfit is just fine." he reassures me with his gentle smile.

"Thank you, Suguru."

We arrive at the restaurant and actually it isn't such a big deal, it looks like a normal restaurant, nothing fancy. I feel relieved.

"I reserved a table for us, I hope you like the place."

When we sit at our table Geto immediately orders a bottle of wine for us.

"I'd like to know more about you, Kami"

"Then ask me" I say resting my chin on my palms.

"Why does a girl like you has such a dangerous job."

"It's a family tradition actually, and I'm damn good at it so why not." I chuckle.

"Well, that's true. There's nothing else you wanted to do?" He curiously asks.

"Actually yes, but I didn't have much of a choice." I reply, "I was born and raised to do that."

"A girl like you doesn't have a lot of friends, am I right?"

"My family is very conscious about who comes around us."

"Yeah, that's what I thought."

"May I take your orders?" The waiter interrupts our conversation.

"Yes, a pork katsudon for me... And for you, Kami?"

"Cold soba noodles, please."

"Fine, I'll be back soon."

****Time Skip****

The lunch was rather pleasant, the food was good and Geto is a good person to enjoy time with. As soon as we got back to our apartments I feel the urge of questioning Suguru about the day we spent together. Toji's words were still deep in my head.

"May I ask you something, Suguru?"

"Of course you can, Kami." he answers me with his comforting smile.

"Was this supposed to be a date?"

"Would you like to consider this a date?" he replies my question with another question.

"I questioned you first, Suguru." I say tilting my head to the side at his attempt of  deviating my question.

He softly laughs tilting his head back, "Yes, I wanted to ask you out for a date since I saw your pictures in the killer's archive."

"Oh... Well I had an amazing time with you today but... ehm, I'm taken."

He looked so surprised at my words.

"Do you really have a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Does he knows what you do?"

"No, he doesn't. He just thinks we're a rich family."

"I see, I'm desolated I didn't ask you that before asking you for a date."

"That's fine, don't worry. I still had an amazing time with you."

"Glad to hear that from you, it's mutual."

"I think I will get some rest now, see you later, Suguru."

He nods to me before walking to his own place.

"You broke that kid's heart, you brat." Toji's voice scares the hell out of me while I look for the keys in my purse.

"Goddamn, Toji!" I yell at him, "Do you want to get me a heart attack or something? Also, were you listening to our conversation?"

"Yeah, I was."


"Why not?"

"I asked you why."

"Why not?"

"No way I'm going to play this game with you." I desperately give up, "That's very impolite, though."

"Yeah, whatever. Come to my place later."


"Just come and stop asking me the reason for anything, you brat."

"Fuck you."

"Yeah, maybe you can do it later." he smirks.

"What the hell?" I ask him with wide open eyes.

"See you later." he says closing the door of his apartment.

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