chapter 3.

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May 5th 2017

One of my dad's car drove me from Kofu, my hometown, to Tokyo where I was going to receive the details of my work.

Getting off the car I see a small red door


After checking if I was at the right place on my phone I go ahead and knock twice on the metal door, immediately hearing some footsteps coming towards me.

After checking through the peephole the door gets opened up by a quite tall man, he has partially tied up long black hair, a weird scar that runs over his forehead and...

...a pretty handsome face in general.

"Good morning" he says slightly bowing towards me "Perfectly in time, thank you for being here" he continues gently smiling to me.

"Good Morning" I politely reply to the handsome man.

"Please, follow me Kami-san" He says while turning around and walking down the lobby.

I quickly follow him until we arrive in a large room, the walls are musty and the air smells. In the center of the room there's a small rectangular table, two men sitting one in front of each other.

The man that opened the door pulls a chair and invites me to sit with the same gentle smile he had since we met.

I nod to him returning a quiet smile and sit on the hard wooden chair.

"Good morning Kami-san" one of the man speaks to me with a low and deep voice "Thank you for being here, my name is Kamo Choso and this man sitting in front of me is Gojo Satoru," he continues quickly glaring at the white haired man before turning his attention to me again.

"The man that took you here is Geto Suguru"

I move my glance between the three men approaching them all with a small smile.

"Nice to meet you all."

Right when I was going to ask for the details of my work I hear some loud footsteps coming from behind me.

The man called Geto Suguro immediately disappears, probably he went to get the person that just entered the place.

A couple of seconds after he comes back in the room, a tall and muscular man following him.

'So is this my partner?' I think turning around my neck to see the man that just arrived in the room. 'Okay, he is kinda handsome too.'

The noise of the man slapping his feet on the table takes me out of my thoughts.

"Thank you for being here, Fushiguro-san" The white haired man, Gojo Satoru, respectfully approaches the man "She is Kami-san," he glares at me "She will be your partner".

Fushiguro looks at me for a bunch of interminable seconds, moving his eyes all over my face and body. He then slightly bends his head letting out a small laughter.

"For real?" he asks watching the men in front of him.

"Do you have a problem with me, Fushiguro?" I growl at him while crossing my arms on my chest.

"Please brat, adults are talking"

In less than a second I hit his chair, making him drop on the floor. My left shoe on his chest, slightly pressing to cause a lack of air in is lungs.

"Do you have a problem with me, Fushiguro?" I ask him again while looking at him from above.

"Fushiguro-san, please show respect to your partner," Choso interrupts us "and Kami-san, please don't hurt your partner."

I take my feet off him and get back on my chair. Fushiguro also gets up and sits again on his chair.

"As I was saying" Gojo Satoru starts again "You'll be partners, the name of the target is Saza Hiroaki, he is a sixty-three years old man," Gojo says while reading from the paper in his hands

"He is planning to sequester the Yakuza's area in the north of Niigata, where there are plenty of arms factories."

"Of course, we cannot accept this and we need to stop this man as soon as possible" Geto says.

"Next week he will leave for Tokushima, his hometown, and that's where you two will stop him." Choso says with a small grin on his face.

"Let's talk about money" I say, glaring at my nails "This looks like a long work to get done" I smirk at Choso, I have the feeling that he is the one that will get me my bag.

"Greedy brat." Fushiguro mocks me.

"Old man, I'm still waiting to know what's your problem with me" I talk back to the rude man sitting next to me.

He ignores me and Choso takes advantage of the silence to continue talking, "Your work will be adequately paid as always, Kami-san." he politely says "The expenses of the travel will be on us, while for the payment..."

Ha takes a short pause, glaring first at Gojo and then at Geto,

"...three million and five hundred thousand yen for each one of you."

I almost choke on my own breath, 'That's a lot of money.'

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