"No" My reply was met with a stoney silence; and it frightened me. He was so hard to read so hard to detect i'd rather he comment on it then sit there and not say anything.

I could see his lips purse even more tighter, both his hands tightening around the remote control he was playing with earlier. Almost as if he was trying to strangle it, i was pretty sure he was picturing me; probably thinking i'm crazy for doing this.

"Then who is the father?." His voice was gruff and demanding and it seemed as if he was making a demand then asking me a question.

Crossing my arms i leaned my head back, tucking my feet under neath me. "Sperm donor." I wonder if he realized he has now asked me 3 questions. 3 out of the 5 he insisted we asked each other.

He turned his head toward me now and gave me that smile that knocked my breath away. That rare smile that shocks me every time it graced his handsome face. He's so hot and cold and blew me in to many fucking directions a second ago he looked like he was about to kill me and now he was smiling? Smiling at me!. He studied me a moment his eyes sweeping me over before he opened his mouth to speak again. "Who is Vince?"

I chocked on the water i was drinking and coughed trying to get my breathing back. I glanced his way and our eyes connected he watched me as i tried to regain my breath. That was a name I didn't hear in a very long time. Vincent Vitali. I felt like a blow to my gut when he uttered his name. Breathing through my nose i reclaimed my thoughts, Vince fucking Vitali; images of him popped into my mind. Shutting my eyes i tried to erase the feeling that was coming over me, his eyes those beautiful sultry grey eyes, with hair the colour of chestnuts. My stomach was in knots and i fought back the tears as the memories of us flashed before my eyes. He had left me as if i was a piece of dirt. It has been 5 years since we spit and since I've seen him but my love and feelings for him came back at me full force.

I didn't let myself think of him, i didn't let myself dwell in the past and bring up these painful memories but with just his name being said brought me back to place i once was when he first left me.

Vince Vitali.

I had never felt so used in my life.

So helpless.

So worthless.

So fucking heartbroken.

I shifted myself and glanced his way. Clenching my drink and sucking in my breath. "How do you know about Vince?" I was proud of myself, my words came out crisp and clear and not shaky like i thought they would.

He chuckled, his dark eyes watching me. "Answering a question with a question. Isn't going to get you an answer."

Smart ass.

He always had witty comebacks so i should have known he would have another one again. "He was my ex fiancé."

His eyes were studying me, watching my facial reaction as i talked about him. Almost as if he was satisfied with his answer he replied to my question.

"I heard of him but didn't know who he was."

"Why does he matter?"

"He doesn't"

"Then why did you ask me about him?

And now i realized i asked him 3 of my 5. Damn it Tyler this his fault for answering so vague. He answers were to short and to the point! I needed details!

There was shift in his body language his dark blue eyes connected with mine before he let out a sign and ran his fingers through his hair. "Let's get one thing straight Clover, before you start going and thinking there something going on here." I frowned not liking where this was going. Me thinking something was going on here? What was that supposed to mean? I didn't think anything was happening but now that he brought it up, i was curious.

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