AKOMT_Part 6

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I was at the job point finishing up a few last minute details. Victor had called and asked if someone could come on over; there was something off about Ms. Sorensen, he said. Even though it irked me that he did not provide more details than that, i figured if it was serious, he would have alerted me to that fact. I sent Mr. Coleman since he was done with his part of the mission.

As unlike me as it sounded, i found myself just as eager as the boys to get this done with so that we could enjoy the entire weekend with Ms. Sorensen. I found myself wanting to be near her more and more lately. She had wonderful characteristics and possessed some great talents with no training whatsoever. But above that, above how much of an asset she would be to our team and the Academy, she was quickly becoming vital.to me as a person. Ms. Sorensen was chopping the formal facade i'd cultivated over the years to a pile of dust with no effort on her part.

All it took was for her to smile at me, or say something, or even just say my name in that voice of hers and i was hooked. I didn't want to know what she thought of me. Sean had often told me I was way too severe and should relax and give the girls my first name. I thought that was a waste of precious time and effort. No mere girl had caught my attention for long before the beauty that Sean dragged into our office that first day at Ashley Waters. Since then, since she'd correctly named the song about the swallow and even pinpointed the artist proving she possessed intellect as well, i'd been on a spiral falling more and more in love witg her without realizing it. I sometimes wonder if i should have tried to stip myself but i realize it would have beeb like the ocean fighting the pull of the moon. Just as there would always be waves because of the moon's pull on the water, no matter how hard i fought, i would have fallen for her.

As i read the messages in the group chat--and silently prayed Mr. Taylor would not force my hand and maje me puniah us all when we really wanted the time with Ms. Sorensen--i felt a niggle of panic inside of me. I was, not for the first time, scared for Ms. Sorensen. Since we'd met her it seemed as if she was always caught up.in one thing or another.

Of course it was never her fault. Her boundles beauty seemed to catch too many up in her essence and she was so innocent, so.naive that she never even realized how hooked she had us all.

Before the boys even figured out who would ride with who, I was in my car and cranking the engine. Yes perhaps i should have waited to see that everyone made it but Kota was proving to be a strong leader and North was as well if he could learn to control his anger. I knew my team could handle getting themselves to Ms. Sorensen's and to be honest, my heart was already pounding nearly out of my chest though i refused to let the expression on my face reveal my fear. I couldnt lose her. 

We were still in the esrly stages of our relationship, Sang and I. But in my mind, we'd gone far beyond the boundaries of our slightly formal slightly intimate relationship. In my mind, she was mine. 

Since speaking with Mr. Anderson, i'd begab to change thst "mine" to "ours" and it shocked me how easily i accepted that. It was either love her or lose her and I definitely loved her too much to ever lose her. I had a feeling anyone in my way was going to recive a bit of what Mr. Coleman named the younger Mr. Taylor's road rage as "Northtastic Pissed off ness" I was, in this case, going to need my own name for road rage if anyone interfered with my reaching Sang. 

I pulled up in the driveway and almost forgot to cut the car off except that i saw the boys coming in right behind me and knew she would be okay in the moments it would take to do so. I cut off the engine, pocketed my keys, and closed my door all.in an attempt to regain some sense of control of myself. Once i was sure no one would be able to see the emotions raging just underneath. the surface, i made my way into the living room.

Dr. Green asked Ms. Sorensen a question and i already knew that she was preparing herself ti lie to us. She was always trying to out us before her and that was the exact opposite of how this was going to work. I would have none of that.

"Ms. Sorensen, the truth please."

After a few more statements fron Dr. Green, i noticed him using Ms. Sorense.n--damnit I would call her Sang at least in my own mind until we were closer at which time i could do so aloud-- he was using her giggling as a distraction and he placed his hand over hers which were resting on her lower right side. He pressed down and Sang's mouth opened in a parody of what would surely have been an operatic scream. As it was, it was merely a high pitched squeaking noise.

I brought my attention back to the conversation when i heard Dr. Green say "...i believe it is appendicitis."
From my little knowledge of the subject, it would be accompanied by a fever between 99 and 102 degrees Fahrenheit, nausea or vomiting and severe abdominal pain in the lower right abdomen. It seemed to me that the symptoms fit. Instead of jumping into action, Sean was talking so i decided to spur him on.

"Dr. Green if you know what it is tell me what we need to do. Now." I knew that my panic would start to take over aain if i didn't see her on the way to getting better soon. I couldn't give him the time he was obviously trying to take to reassure ber. I needed her better. As soon as possible. If Sang was seriously ill, our family would never survive.

I would never survive.

When Sean gave the order to.drive, and who was ride with who, I realized he'd taken the reigns and was glad of it. In this state, i was not fit to command anyone but i could and would get the love of my life to the hospital before i broke down even more. And if i had to see her in pain for a moment longer, well, somebody or something would end up irreparably damaged and from the looks of him, I could take the younger Mr. Taylor with me. She could.not be hurt. I wouldn't take that, not at all. 

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