The Beginning || (Hunter)

Start from the beginning

"We don't have to always be together all the time Ed!" 
"You're 16! I don't have to continue to hold your hand forever y'know?!"

Wow. I felt really bad for the guy that's getting yelled at, it looked like this girl hated his guts, without my mask? I'd cry on the spot. "I'm sorry I don't have time for you, Viney is waiting for me." she scoffed before storming out of the library doors with anger, once the door shut, I heard crying. That was definitely my sign to just mind my business and just check out this frog book before it gets awkward.

"Let's go flap, the principal is probably waiting for us right now.." I whispered while for some reason he wasn't getting the hint. Counting to chirp, he started flying around me, he ended up getting caught into my hair strand making me fall on my tower of comic books. When it made a loud noise I knew I was practically dead! The crying immediately stopped and my heart dropped.
"What do you think you're doing?"
Before I could even get up, I found myself being hovered over a tall guy with a very intimidating look on his face. "Oh! Well I was checking out these books an-" I replied with a shaky voice, "..and listening to private conversations?" he interrupted with a cold look on his face. I was practically drowning in my sweat, what do you even say to that?! getting tired of waiting for my reply, he scoffed, and was going to leave.


"I'm sorry..I'll admit I was listening in. i didn't mean to be a huge dick, I was going to leave I swear!" I apologized, making him stop walking, "It's fine..I'm sure it was pretty loud." he turned around refusing to make any eye contact. His expression quickly changed which weirded me out, "Is that..." his whole intimidating look quickly disappeared. Running up to my book tower he took the first book on the top and his eye lit up. "You've read amphibiland before?! Ugh I love the author she's my favorite character in the book!" he screamed while everyone stared at us with dirty looks, "No..I was going to check it out right now." I mumbled before that sunshine aura left immediately.
"I mean- Its such a cool book!"
His warm smile returned and sat next to me on the floor just skimming the book. Its like this guy just forgot everything that happened, "Did you know the author actually is a human?" he gushed pointing at a girl with black hair and a green pin.

"I wonder how it got in the human realm.." he questioned staring at it more, "..anyway! I'm Edric! Edric blight!" he lended out his hand while I sat there dumbfounded. "Shouldn't you hate me right now? what's going on right now.." I asked raising an eyebrow, "Don't get me wrong was it embarrassing that people heard us? Yes..but I'm used to us arguing with my sister. Also you just" he awkwardly laughed as his hand continued to stay up.

That just sound depressing, but I knew exactly what he was going through and it sucks. "I'm Hunter! Er.. Just Hunter!" I said gladly taking his hand, my ears started randomly getting red, and he gasped dramatically. Letting go of his hand, I quickly started covering my ears, "Who's this cutie!" flapjack gracefully landed in his hands, as I sat there in utter disbelief. Seeing them together a smile crept up my face, "Looks like he likes you~" I laughed a bit, "Who wouldn't!" he joked before he winked. Sarcastically rolling my eyes he looked hurt in a way, "Harsh dude..Harsh." he said slowly shaking his head while flapjack copied him. "Now I'm feeling like the both of you are against me." I scoffed as we all started laughing.

We started talking for the full first hour totally forgetting about the principal office, "You're new?! wonder I've never seen you before. I've pranked literally everyone at the school." he gasped while I also gasped, "I'm not going to be pranked next right?!" I asked with a sarcastic tone. "You'll see.." he winked again making my ears turn red again.
"We should exchange scro-"


The bell interrupted our conversation, I officially hate the bell. "Is that the second bell?! Did I seriously miss first hour?!" he cried while I silently nodded my head yes. "You're going to principal bump.. right? You're dead." I couldn't tell if he was serious or not whatsoever. "Anyway! It was worth it.. thank you for letting me talk to you. I really need that." Edric said as he started getting up, "Let's talk sometime?" he then lended out a hand to get me up off the floor. "Yeah of course." softly smiling, flapjack stared at me raising his eyebrows behind Edric and my face turned bright red. Luckily Edric already turned around to walk off to his class, "I really hate you flapjack." I joked while he happily chirped.

Thinking about what he said about principal bump my heart sank, hopefully what he said was just a joke! Right? Right! But first I'll need to check out my books, and maybe amphibiland too.. I'm kind of hoping for Edric and I to meet again. The way he called me cool kept repeating in my head, wow I made a somewhat friend so quickly go me! A part of me is still wondering who that girl was, why was he so used it? Who knows.

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