Chapter Twenty One ~ Pandora

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She approached the shrine uneasily. Even for one as fierce as Pandora, everyone was afraid of the wrath of the Gods. The best of the Gods at their best times were something to be feared, and everyone was weary of them. Of course, though, no one had actually met with a God face-to-face before, which made Pandora's mission a small feat harder. She was the only one that had met with a God, but he was one of the impatient ones. He had waited three hundred years for the soul of someone more powerful than anyone, but to a God that would be as quick as a blink. It was nothing. But Pandora had waited her whole life for this, and she wasn't going to let one edgy God stop her from bringing her son back.

Pandora dropped to her knees steadily, bowing her head to the shrine made of stone that depicted a long, jagged sword coming down through the stone portrayal of a Nonsept that was laid beneath it. The God Maklon didn't see fit to those who were unworthy and only praised the perfect. He had a soft spot for the Royals, and also for the most powerful Vampires that weren't flawed. He believed in perfection, and that was exactly what Pandora was striving to achieve.

"My God Maklon," she murmured, her eyes downcast to the ground as she lay her hands over the head of the Nonsept. It made her shiver. "I am here on your request. Show yourself, I beg of you."

There was an eerie silence that stretched on for a few moments, but just as Pandora was going to repeat herself, the ground around her began to rumble and shake, and she rose from her knees as quickly as she could. She looked down all around her with a feeling of anxiety and distress flowing through her bones. She hoped that this was Maklon coming to greet her again and not him sending her into the abyss like the last few dozens of people that tried to approach him.

Then, the rumbling stopped and Pandora let out a sigh of relief and steadied her footing, taking a single stride backwards.

She bumped into something, turned and squealed.


She backed away hurriedly, giving the God his space. She knew not to test the God's temper because she had done so in the past and it had almost sent her to Hell. The only reason she was still walking and talking was because she had something that the God wanted, and he couldn't get it without someone to guide him to it because he was not familiar with the earth as the Vampires were. That someone just so happened to be Pandora, however, and she had to behave.

Maklon was a tall, strong man that looked to be forty years of age on the generous side in his Vampire form, but he was thousands of years older than that. He had tousled black hair that fell in waves around his face and went down past his shoulders. He was wearing a long, black robe made of a material that Pandora had never seen before, and it was surrounded in a thick layer of black shadows that swirled around him impatiently. They made Pandora uneasy.

His eyes, however, were of a colour that Pandora had rarely seen before. They were a bright, bright emerald colour that glistened magnificently. She had never seen any eyes that were of that colour before; all eyes she had seen were red or gold. Even the gold ones were rare, but these... they were beyond comparison. It was unbelievable.

"Pandora," the God's mighty voice rumbled loudly. His face was an expression of eternal judgement.

"My Lord," Pandora curtsied, her head downcast. "You answered me."

"You called," Maklon replied gruffly, his strong arms crossed over his chest. "You have not called upon me since you first requested something from me. I declined. Do you have now what you did not then?"

Pandora lifted her beautiful gaze. "I do," she replied excitedly. "I have the girl, as requested. Kiara. Is she the one, my Lord?"

Maklon studied her. "Your own subject?" he questioned after a few moments, and Pandora nodded.

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