Chapter 12 (plans) Final

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Nightmare bb:

The next morning I woke up to see.. Plushtrap wasn't there?. 'That's odd' I thought to myself 'usually I'm up first'. I slowly got out of bed and looked around. "Plushtrap" I said leaving our room into the hallway. "PLUSHTRAP" I shouted. Nothing. Where could she be? She's always here. I walked into the living room to see N. Fredbear sitting on the sofa.

"Have you seen Plushtrap" I asked him. He looked at me. "She went to talk to her dad" he said calmly. I just nodded in response. 'Wonder who her dad even is'.

Plushtrap POV:

I stepped out of the portal, carry a huge trash bag. The portal then closed behind me. I looked left and right. Just to be sure 'we' are safe. Once I was sure we were, I sat the trash bag on the ground. "Ok, you can come out now CC" I said grinning.

Crying child, or Chris, came out of the bag and let in a huge breath. "It smells smoky in here" he said out of context. I laughed then realize something. "Can I even smell" I said thinking aloud. CC shrugged.

"Should we find our dads" he asked. I put my arms behind my head like I was some cool kid at school. "Yeah, now come on slow poke" I said walking down the hallway. "HEY! Wait up" he said trying to keep up.

Spring trap POV:

(So you know William and Springtrap are two different people in this AU)

    I sat at the desk, laying back in the chair. The night guards were all out sick. So stupid and boring when they are not here. Sure the phantoms are fun but sometimes they can't be annoying.

  I saw Williams ghost come out of me and sat on the desk. "Where's the pray at" he ask and I rolled my eyes. "Their all out sick" I said calmly. "Ugh! Why cant they be here" William complained "don't they want us to kill them". I just shrugged and let out a sigh.

I reached into a pocket and looked at a picture of me and Plushtrap. "You miss him" he said quietly. I nodded. "Wonder how they are doing" William continue and I just shrugged. That's when we heard some familiar arguing.

"Wow, speaking of Plushtrap and chris" I said with a grin.

Chris POV:

"Plushtrap I'm not the short one! YOU ARE" I argued and that creepy plush stuck her tongue out at me. "Hmmm i don't know I am a couple inches taller" they said back with a evil grin. "THATS BECAUSE OF YOUR EARS! YOU USE THE TOP OF YOUR HEAD NOT YOUR EARS" I complained but Plushtrap just rolled their eyes. "Sir, your just jealous of how tall I am" they said with a stupid smirk.

"Then I'll tell them about your little boyfriend" I said with a evil smile. 'Finally, I can atleast get revenge on one nightmare' I thought to myself while Plushtrap face went bright red. "N-NO THEYLL KILL HIM!" he said a bit panicked "wait.. how do you know about that". I grinned. "Your pretty loud and I was in the vents above" I said starting to run ahead. "NOW TO GO TELL"

Plushtrap POV:

   "CHRIS COME BACK" I shouted running after him but sadly he got to the office first. "FATHER, SPRINGY! PLUSHY HAS A BOYFRIEND" he shouted as I jumped onto him, pinning him to the ground. "A WHAT" the adults both shouted in surprise. I let out an annoyed growl.

   "Chris, your a snitch you know that" I said annoyed. "So you help the nightmares kill me" he said back and I gave him a glare. "I don't kill I scare you" I said standing ontop of him. "SAME THING" he shouted back.

I let out another growl when my dad spoke. "Plush" he said and I tilted my head at him, "who's this boyfriend of yours". I let out a sigh. "His name is Nightmare bb" I half said, half mumbled. William gave me a look like he didn't trust me.

    "What's Nightmare bb like" Mr. Afton (William) asked. "Well he's nice, taller than us (when Plushtrap said us they meant themself and Chris) and a bit annoying. But! He gave me a knife" I continue grinning. "They seem ok I guess" My dad mumbled.

   "We going to go meet them tomorrow" William chined in. "YES" my dad said agreed within seconds. "No" I said calmly "it's to soon". They both let out a annoyed sigh. "Oh come on Plushtrap! It's not gonna be that bad". CC protested. "Nope! Not happening. It's an story for another time" I said annoyed "now let's play a game".

~~When Plushtrap returns to the Nightmare house~~

Nightmare BB POV:

    I let out a sad sigh. 'Never knew how boring it was without Plushtrap' I thought to myself saying in our hallway. Then I got a hug from behind. 

   "Huh" I said looking down "oh hi my plushy". Plushtrap looked up at me blushing. "My dad and his friend might try to kill ya when you two meet" they said with an awkward smile. I chuckled.

"Well you must be really important to them" I said petting her head. "We played hide and seek for a while" Plushtrap said, trying now to purr. "Did you win" I asked and then she gave me the 'plush glare of death'.

"OF COURSE I WIN" she shouted and I smiled. "Ok shortie. By the way it's almost time to get to work!" I said starting to walk to our chair. "IM NOT SHORT" Plushtrap protested, turning a bright red. "Whatever you say bunny plush".

"Idiot" Plushtrap mumbled.
Here's the last chapter of this fanfic. In all honesty this was one of the best endings I could come up with so I hope you guys enjoy. If you want you can check out some more of my Plushtrap fanfics or my Will cipher fanfic. Fell free to follow!

Now I want to give someone a shout out. I noticed every-time I post a new Plushtrap fanfic. This person was always there with a vote. So I wanted to shout them out. I would love to read their fanfics but sadly the only language I know is English 🥲. But maybe you guys will be able to read it! So go show some love to Chara0de0undertale  . They always have been there since my first fanfics and always voted for my stories! So I hope this puts a smile on their face and hopefully I don't embarrass them by giving them a shout out-. Anyway that's all for this fanfic! I'll see you guys in the next one.

 Anyway that's all for this fanfic! I'll see you guys in the next one

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The chair theft (Plushtrap x Nightmare bb)Where stories live. Discover now