Chapter 2

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Nightmare bb POV:
I was following the small little bunny to our new shared room. Tho I knew that she? He? Wasn't happy about it???? I wasn't sure of its gender. It acted a bit like a girl but it also dressed a bit boyish and they both showed signs of both. So I was unsure what to call it but one thing I knew for sure. It WAS SO ADORABLE! I don't understand why it would for the nightmares. I mean just look at the little thing. It's ears look so fluffy. ✨ I just wanna hug it! But I don't think it would let me cuz yeah TwT. I can tell this one isn't gonna like me that much but maybe I could play jokes on this one. Maybe it will be my first real friend.
Nah. It would most likely the little small bunny I annoy. Hehe. "This is gonna be fun" I thought as I walk up right beside the bunny. She, or he, gave me a sort of death glare look and that was when I got an idea. I chucked a bit at it and the small bunny stopped. "What's so funny" it said giving me a death glare. "Oh nothing~" I said looking down at her with a smile. He growled and I just grinned. "Aww" I said in a babyish tone "is the little bunny upset? Here". I pick the small bunny up off the ground.
The bunny start kicking and trying to get away but when I pulled it close to me it stopped. That confused me then I heard something like purring? I looked down at the bunny and it seemed to be cuddling close to me. It yawned a bit and that's when i decided to say something that I might regret. "Awww is the little baby bunny tried" I said still in the babyish tone. It looked up at me then grin. I was confused but that's when it happened. It kicked me where it hurts.
I let go of the bunny and fell to the ground. "Awww~" it said with a smile "is the baby sad?". I growled at it as it started laughing. I stood up and looked down at it. "You better watch it kid" I said trying my best to sound scary "because you do not know when I might just bite ya". "Ohhh I'm so scared" it said rolling it's eyes "dude I'm the one who's mostly getting yelled at by the boss. Not much things can scare me besides that". "Hmmm" I thought to myself then I realized it started walking off without me. "HEY" I yelled running after it "WAIT FOR ME".
Little bit later
Plushtrap POV:
I showed the new guy the room after that little thing he tried doing. I didn't know what he was acting trying to do but I didn't really trust him. Tho if I'm being honest he was pretty warm and cozy. I blushed a bit thinking about it. "What you thinking about bunny" asked the new guys which kinda made me annoyed. "D-don't call me that" I said trying a bit red. "Awww~" he said jokingly "is the bunny embarrassed". I mumbles "maybe" under my breath which made him stand up and walked to me. My ears went straight up as he stood over me, looking down at me, grinning. "So" he said bending down to get to my eye level "what's the baby bunny's name~". "Hmph!" I said annoyed looking away from him, while my arms were crossed "why would I tell you Nightmare bb". "Huh?" He said confused "how did you know my name". I looked at him and said "I have ears". He gave me an annoyed look and said "you are really rude you know that".
I looked away from him. Some reason it hurt to be called that. "Do I always act this way" I thought to myself. The new guy stood up and was about to walk away. "W-where you going" I asked confused and a bit hurt for some reason. "Going to find someone who won't be a big meanie". After he said that my ears went down. He was about to walk to the door and that's when I said "P-plushtrap".
He stopped and looked at me confused. "M-my name i-is p-plushtrap" I said looking at the ground. He walked to me and bent down to my eye level. "No.." he said in a cold tone looking into my eyes. "Your name is baby bunny" he said in a babyish tone booping my nose "or bun bun or cotton tail". I looked at him and then booped his nose back. He smiled at me. I let out a small little growls. "No" he said in a babyish voice flicking my nose "bad bunny". I growled again annoyed.
    "Fine then little bunny" he said standing up like he was my owner or something "no treats tonight". I gave him a death glare. He grinned a bit. He picked me up and started walking. I started trying my best to get away but he started to do the worst thing ever, petting me. "Now now bunny" I said placing me on my bed "bunnies listens to their owner". I gave him a look and said "last time I checked my boss was NIGHTMARE not YOU". He thought for a minute then said "well cotton tail, how about whoever is taller is the owner".
  He started laughing a bit before we both know I was shorter than him so I slapped him UwUz. He just blinked for a minute and looked at me. "Wow" he said "what a bunny". I let out a sigh of anger as I hopped off the bed and walked out of the room.
    "UGH HES SO ANNOYING" I thought as I walked down the hallway "I can't believe he is replacing me! After all I've done for this place". I stopped for a moment and thought. "What have I actually done for this place?"......

 "What have I actually done for this place?"

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