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Four years have passed since Wall Maria was reclaimed and the Scouts have been busy.

Calliope had went through all the banned books fact checking them before making them available to the public, which many found valuable.

During those four years, Calliope and Hange with the help of Moblit and the knowledge of Grisha had developed vaccines to fend off common illnesses that used to spread like wildfire within the walls resulting in outbreaks and occasionally staggering amounts of death. A first line of preventing any plagues from occurring again.

Most of the knowledge Grisha brought into the walls involved medical advancements which Calliope later published into a seperate book for doctors to use and learn, advancing the medical field substantially.

But that wasn't the only category to advance over the four years.

Once the truth was made known to the public, there have been vast amount of improvements made in agriculture, economical, and industrial.

New discoveries were made which led to new developments of machinery, weapons, and transportation.

It was amazing to see how much progress has been made in under five years. Calliope and Hange equally monitored the progress made helping in the aid of "modernizing" the once primitive island.

There wasn't a need for the Garrison anymore so many of them have opted to join the Scouts as recruits, such as Commander Lobov much to Calliope's surprise seeing as he fell into the category of a boozer along with Pyxis, himself.

The Scouts had also gotten new upgrades that integrated fairly well with the old gear. An additional uniform had been added to their wardrobe, one with a more sleek black appearance that was currently adorned on everyone in the room that was getting briefed on the mission, they were about to set off to.

Calliope sighed as she sipped tea listening to the discussion pertaining to Eren and how to go about it.

"He can't be trusted." Hange said as her, Levi, Moblit, and Armin sat around a table.

"Commander, don't you think that's a little hasty?! Mikasa and I can try to talk some sense into him." Armin said slightly pleading for the young man who was still currently in Liberio.

"There's no telling what he will do. And there's no telling if your words will have any affect on him." Levi stated stoically.

"Sorry, Armin. That's final. But this isn't just my orders this is Premier Zachary's as well. If you speak with him he may let you and Mikasa talk with him, but after we bring him back." Hange informed causing Armin's eyes to widen at this revelation before looking towards Calliope.

The woman glanced over raising an eyebrow at him before shaking her head. "You children need to learn to do things on your own. And that means without having me use my rank to weasel you three into whatever it is you want. Eren will not be harmed so relax, Armin, you'll have time to spark up a discussion with Zachary and possibly Eren later." Calliope stated causing the young man to slump in his seat looking down at the table.

"R-Right. Y-You don't think he's doing this out of personal gain...Do you, Callie?" Armin asked causing Calliope to close her eyes sighing before ember eyes glanced at the teacup in her hand.

"What I think doesn't matter when the higher-ups already made up their mind. What they say goes. I have no telling what Eren's objective is and who he's aligned himself with. However, I don't think Eren is one to act without having a purpose. Whether it be a hidden agenda or ulterior motive, is beyond me. That being said, we are risking countless lives to get him from a precarious situation that he put himself in to begin with." Calliope stated stoically as the room remained silent, lost in their own thoughts.

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