Epilogue 2 - Playing Like Adults

Start from the beginning

    Kellin set our kid on his feet and then pushed his little behind out.

    “Go jump on your sister and wake her up,” he said, holding Hunter around the waist and zurbering his neck.  Hunter squealed, laughing aloud and running towards his and his sister’s room.

    I hadn’t expected twins…but I guess that was just in the design of fate.

    Kellin looked back to me, blue eyes showing his disappointment and I returned the longing gaze.  I loved our kids, but sometimes we really just needed some time alone…and it had been four years since we had really had alone time.  Between the clinic and his touring and the kids and whatever else our crazed life had thrown at us, we hadn’t really had time for each other.  Fighting was still at a minimum, but as sexual tension grew, so did our angst and frustration.

    I sighed, smiling softly at him and getting out of bed.  I had taken to wearing a camisole to bed now that our kids were older and new how to say ‘oh my gosh mommy’s naked’ but just for Kellin’s sake, I never wore pants or shorts to bed.  I slipped out from under the sheets, feeling his gaze upon my legs as I moved towards a drawer to grasp some cover. 

    Before I could though, Kellin was at my side, lips hot on my throat.  His hands roamed my body, grasping any piece of uncovered flesh he could.  I wanted to turn around and just take complete advantage of him, but I knew in less than three seconds, Hunter and Keira would be back in our room causing mayhem.

    “Kellin,” I whispered, desperately wishing that he and I could continue but knowing that we couldn’t.  He groaned hungrily into my ear.

    “When am I going to get you alone Hannah?” he growled.  I turned back to him and sighed.

    “Call your parents or my parents or Justin or Jack or Gabe or Jesse…someone should be loving enough to take care of the monsters for a weekend right?” I whispered tenderly, trying to keep the desire out of my voice but failing miserably.  He kissed the hollow beneath my ear and my knees buckled.

    “I need you,” he uttered.

    “MOMMY!” screeched Keira, “HUNTER JUMPED ON MY HEAD!!”

    I couldn’t help laughing at this.  Hunter did this every morning and the other day, he had sat on Keira’s head and farted on her.  Oh the wonders of having twins…especially fraternal ones.

    Our daughter suddenly came into the room, her bright red curls haloing her face as her amber eyes leaked moisture and her cheeks became vivid with cerise upset.  She was crying, rubbing her eyes and pouting fitfully.  Kellin sighed gently and then went to her, kneeling down and kissing her forehead.

    “What’s wrong baby girl?” he asked while I slipped on a pair of pajama pants. 

    “Hunter tried to fart on me again,” she sobbed and I could see how hard Kellin had to try to keep from busting out laughing.  I turned away, eyes wincing as I held in the hilarity of the moment.

    “Awwh I’m sorry sweetie,” he said, looking back to me and giving me his best face as he held in the laugh that desperately wished to leak from his lips.  His eyes were wide and his teeth were biting down hard on his lower lip.  My expression was much the same as I shook my head.

    “Come on my little girl,” I said, walking towards her and sweeping her into my arms, “What do you want for breakfast?”  She wiped her eyes and jutted out that lower lip.

    “Pancakes,” she whispered.

    “And bacon?” I asked.

    “Mmm bacon,” Kellin added just as Hunter ran back into the room, mischievous grin lathering his lips.  He giggled like an elfin little monster, blanket still in his hands as his father picked him up.  “Bacon sound good to you my farting monster?”

The Sound of Glass Hearts {Kellin Quinn} (Watty Awards 2013)Where stories live. Discover now