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Every body in this world would have experienced it when at one corner of heart you are happy but in one corner you are sad. Something similar is happening with me on one side of the heart I am happy that my brother have Gone to his dream college for a national football match but in one corner of my heart I am sad that I would not be not seeing my brother for so many weeks .

Well ella it's not a thing to think right now because you brother is already in the way to California. You get your lazy ass up your bed and get ready .

I was always excited to go to study but today I was very anxious to go because of Xavier statement earlier. I really didn't want to think about him right now . I just shook my head and went towards my bathroom to get ready for the day.

I choosed a off-shoulder sky blue mid-length dress. I wore it , did a minimal make up , let my hair fall down in curls and came out of the bathroom

 I wore it , did a minimal make up , let my hair fall down in curls and came out of the bathroom

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I started to go down when I heard a car honk . I frowned because Zoe said she will come late to university today because she had to run an errand. Kate will straight reach to school and we decided to meet their. If it was neither Zoe nor Kate then who the heck is honking in front of my house. I just wished my mom and dad good morning, took a granola bar from the fridge and went out of the house to see who was it?

And if I knew who was it and what this will lead to,I would have never came out until the car was gone.

Any guesses?
Well it was Xavier, and now I was thinking why is he here? What does he want now and why is he here when he should be at University, wait is he here to pick me up? Oh my freaking ice cream. What am I gonna do now?

"Hey Love" Xavier Said while grinning from ear to ear.

"Xavier what are you doing here " I said while glancing and talking to him from his window

"To pick you up" he said in a duh tone.

"I don't want a lift Xavier, please just go from here " I pleaded him.

"I will not move an inch from here if you don't come with me" he said

"Then stand in here I am leaving bye" I said

"OK go but remember this I will stand in here and when your parents gonna come out they are going to see me , they are going to question me and I will said I came to pick you up so...." he said while smirking .

And now i was thinking he was right!! With the amount of stubbornness he had this idiotic man will stand in here and will put me in trouble .

"Okay I am going to come with you" I said

"Very good love.. the doors is always opened for you let it be cars or heart both." he said while smirking .

I just rolled my eyes on his chessy line and sat in the passenger seat.

"Well I should say you are looking beautiful " he said while looking me up and down. I blushed at that.

"Can we please leave now" I said in a bored tone.

"Your wish is my command my lady" he said and turned on the ignition .

He was driving and suddenly my stomach growled.
Damn it.

"Ella did you ate your breakfast?" He said in a serious tone.

" I just had a granola bar" I said

"What? Just had a granola bar . Are u fucking kidding me , you should have a proper breakfast . You should take care of yourself love" he said with concern dripping from his voice .

"I am sorry" I didn't knew why I was apologizing to him but his concern towards me really overwhelmed me. Apart from my best friends and family no one ever showed a concern towards me.

"We will have breakfast first then we will go to university and no discussions over it." he said with finality in his voice

I smiled and nodded.

We reached a cafe to eat our breakfast.. I giggled seeing that Cafe. It was looking luxurious but yet homey and comfy at the same time.

"Why are you laughing love?" He said in amused tone.

"Well you being you I thought I particularly need to beg you to not take me to any seven star restaurant." I said while smiling at him.

He just rolled his eyes amusedly and we came out of his car

As we were walking towards Cafe some boys looked at me in a weird way . Xavier glared at him in a very dangerous way and wrapped his arm on my waist possessively .

We entered the Cafe and we sat on a table near window. Xavier was still angry but he didn't want to show me so he clenched his hand in a fist and was looking out of the window. I don't know why I just had a instinct that I should calm him down. So I just placed my hand on his fist he looked at my hand while was small in comparison to his fist and suddenly he took hold of my hand in a tight grip but not that tight to hurt me. His hold was just claiming like I was his. This Alpha man really needs a chill pill.

I just wanted to calm his mood and lighten the moment .

"So are we going to eat something or not?" I said

He just looked at me and smiled and called the waiter .

The waiter came and started to look at me up and down . I shifted in my seat weirdly.

"you are fired " Xavier Said in a super angry tone

He started to stutter but he gave one look from which he ran away.

This time a lady came and took our order professionally

"You know you can't just fire anybody" I said

"Well I can when I am the owner son or you should say next boss." he said smirking.

"Yeah right" I said nodding realising that Knights own almost everything in New York and around the world.

After having our breakfast we went towards his car and started to drive towards University .

On the way to University, I just thought how he was so concerned, considerate , calm , composed and loving with me. Should I gave this thing which is between us a chance .

As we reached University , he and I both came out of his car and I turned back towards him to thank him when I saw he was standing there looking confused .

"Do you wanna say something " I asked

"Yes" he said

"Go on"

He released a sigh and Said

"Ella will you please go on a date with me?" he asked me .

And i was shocked. This handsome man in here was asking me for a date. But how can I say no to him when he had been so good with me..

"Yes" I said

He grinned wide and hugged me and said.

"Tomorrow is weekend I'll pick you up today at 8 from your home . Bye" he said and jogged towards University .

I just stood there smiling and shaking my head and suddenly my all smiled disappeared when I realised .

I was going on a date with my brother's Rival.

Oh Shit. I am doomed. In a good way though.

Thank you cupcakes

Questions time: Vampire diaries or Game of Thrones

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