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I never really made much friends as i am a very closed of person . And never really much people approached me because my glare was enough to scare them away . But now i am regretting why I agreed to be friends with these two bastards . My best friends.

They literally fight like children's . Both doesn't have one penny sense in them and you know they just fight over those topic which literally make me punch them in their guts. This time they are fighting where to drink coffee.

Like are they mad or what! Who fights over drinking some stupid coffee. But since last 1 hour they both are fighting over a stupid debate on where we will drink coffee today and i was just going through my phone because I was literally the least interested person in this debate.

Christian wants to drink coffee at some Sweet Eats and Aidan at Starbucks.. I was just waiting for them to decide .

"We will drink coffee at lilly's matter finished let's go" Christian said

"No we wil drink coffee at Starbucks and that's final you perv" Aidan said

"Huh you only want to drink coffee their because all the hot waitresses at the Starbucks gawk at us like we are a piece of meat" Chris scoffed .

"Like you don't enjoy it" Aidan said with a smirk.

"We are not discussing that asshole". Christian said And threw a cushion at Aidan who was laughing .

And again they started to bicker.. like sometimes i really think they bicker like girls. Even girls speak less than they both too.

"Okay!!!lets go to lillys for now and while returning from our day from University which we all three will rock by the way of course I will treat you with Starbucks cafe" Chris said

Aidan huffed and said Fine.

Fucking finally there discussion was over and we can finally go to a cafe to drink coffee and then head towards our first day at University. I really didn't want to go to university because at the end of the day I need to handle my father multi-billion dollar company then why wasting three years in a stupid university but my mom and dad always had a dream that I could also graduate from same university as them. And i literally can't say no to my parents .

So, now I am trailing out of my mansion , Aidan and chris on my tail and we left my mansion. We went towards my Lamborghini and roared of towards sweet eats.

I never really went to this sweet eats bakery but I tasted their coffees and cakes as chris is a big fan of them. And let me tell me tell not being a sweet lover and still liking their delicacies are a big thing for me.

As I was driving Aidan jumped and turned on the Radio.

Kid I am telling you.

And suddenly 'Perfect ' by Ed sheeran blasted from the radio.

"Guys do you guys really think that there is something called love at first sight ?" Aidan questioned

"Yes its there and it happens" Chris Said.

"That's just bullshit! There is nothing called this what you call love at first sight. How can a person love somebody without even knowing them huh? It's just an attraction which will fade off with time. And for the sake of God there is nothing called Love at first sight idiots" I said as I turned the radio off.

Chris just shrugged at my speech and said
"Maybe you don't believe in love at first sight for now , but my heart says there will be a day when you will meet a girl accidentally who will change the way you think about life and love. When you will meet her you will feel like world faded away, like you and her are the only things left in this universe , like she is the most beautiful and precious thing you own and at that particular time you will want her to make her yours and at that sudden moment you will realise you got a love at first sight " chris said

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