𝙳𝚊𝚢 𝟷𝟶 - 𝚁𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎 𝙳𝚊𝚢

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A/N: I redid my writing for Day 7 - Sick Days/Illnesses/Recovery from Bokuaka Week 2020 🥰

The door of the gym swung open, making a loud clattering noise as Bokuto appeared in the doorway for morning practice, a big grin on his face.
"Hey guys!!" Bokuto greeted the team cheerfully, who all greeted him in response (albeit much less energetically, not everyone could be as enthusiastic as Bokuto in the morning).
Bokuto instantly felt something was missing, his big golden eyes scanned the room before he realised what it was.
"Where's Akaashi?" He asked, his mood dampening slightly.
"Not here, maybe he slept in or something." Konoha shrugged, before moving down to pick up a stray volleyball.
"Yeah, maybe!" Bokuto hoped, though it did seem weird to him that Akaashi of all people would sleep in.

But Akaashi didn't show up, he didn't show up for lunch or after school practice either. And Bokuto started to worry that maybe Akaashi hadn't just slept in after all.
Bokuto reluctantly began the walk home by himself that day, usually Akaashi would accompany him, but well, Akaashi wasn't here. Which gave him an idea. Instead of turning and going down the street which led to his home (which was usually where Akaashi and him would part ways) he followed straight onwards towards Akaashi's house and messaged his mother quickly saying he might be home a little later than usual.

Bokuto arrived at Akaashi's house quickly, and knocked on the door loudly to make sure he was heard (what if Akaashi had actually been asleep all day?). There was a long moment where nothing happened and Bokuto contemplated knocking again, but just as he lifted his hand the door handle was pulled down from the inside and slowly creaked open.
Which is when Bokuto caught sight of Akaashi. His forehead was sweaty and his curly mass of hair seemed damp and was framing it, his cheeks and nose were covered in a bright red hue yet the rest of his face was a pale greenish-looking colour.
"Akaashi, you look awful!" Gasped Bokuto.
Akaashi raised an eyebrow, "thank you, Bokuto-san." He replied dryly.
"No wait- I just mean you look different! Like you look sick and."
"Would you like to come in? It's just us at the moment since my fathers at work." Akaashi asked as he sniffled a little.
Bokuto's mouth went slack before he shut it and nodded feverishly at Akaashi.

Akaashi led them inside and Bokuto took his shoes off politely before following him to the couch.
"Sooo... How come you weren't in school today 'Kaashi?" Bokuto tucked his legs to his chest.
"I caught a cold." Akaashi responded, pulling a mask from his pocket and putting it on.
"You're sick!?" Yelped Bokuto.
"I thought that was already establis-."
"No! Don't speak you'll hurt your voice!" Bokuto cut him off.
Akaashi stared at him unamusedly.
"Stay right there! I'll get you a blanket!" Bokuto jumped up off the couch and dashed out the room before Akaashi could even open his mouth to tell him that wasn't necessary.
"A blanket" may have been an understatement, because when Bokuto came tumbling down the stairs and back into the room, he also came carrying a bundle of at least five blankets.
"Bokuto-san, I don't think I'll need that many blankets."
"Akaashi, you already have a cold! I can't let you get even more cold!" Argued Bokuto.
Akaashi didn't even bother to tell him that wasn't how colds worked because he was already wrapping them around Akaashi's body. Before he yet again ran out the room, this time to the kitchen, and came back with a damp flannel.
He placed the flannel on Akaashi's head as Akaashi decided he might as well make himself comfortable and laid down on the couch.
"Thank you Bokuto-san." Akaashi said appreciatively.

"Of course! Are you hungry? I could make you some soup!" Offered Bokuto.
"Bokuto-san, you don't know how to make soup." Akaashi reminded him.
"Oh, right." Bokuto wilted.
Akaashi sighed, "there's some chicken and sweetcorn soup in the fridge you can heat up." Akaashi informed him.
"Ok, I'll do that!" Smiled Bokuto, but Akaashi stopped him before he could dash out of the room, again.
"Bokuto-san, could you please get my book from upstairs so I'll have something to do?" Akaashi asked of him.
"Oh, Sure!" Bokuto chirped.

Once Bokuto had fetched Akaashi's book and heated up the soup he brought it to Akaashi on a tray and placed it on his lap.
"Thank you, Bokuto-san." Akaashi said, reaching out to pick up the spoon, but Bokuto got there quicker.
"Here, I'll feed it to you!" Grinned Bokuto.
"Bokuto-san I appreciate the help but I'm perfectly capable of feeding myself." Akaashi told him.
Bokuto gasped, "Akaashi, you need to rest! I insist that I feed you!"
Akaashi rolled his eyes but gave in to Bokuto's pleas as Bokuto spooned some of the soup up and made a quiet airplane noise as he guided it to Akaashi's lips.

After Bokuto had successfully managed to feed most of the content of the bowl to Akaashi (only spilling it a little bit), he cuddled into Akaashi's side as he resumed his reading. Bokuto tried to read and follow along with the story too, but reading had never been the most interesting thing to him, and he soon drifted off to sleep.
When he woke up he found the sun was beginning to set outside, and that somewhere along the line Akaashi must have fallen asleep too, his chest rising and falling slowly and the book he had been reading was closed and placed on the floor.
Bokuto slowly lifted himself off and pulled a notebook from his school bag and ripped out a page of it, writing a quick note to Akaashi saying he had gone home. He looked at Akaashi for a moment, he seemed so peaceful, Bokuto pressed a featherlight kiss to his forehead before leaving.

"Akaashiii! You're back!!" Exclaimed Bokuto loudly when he walked into the gym the next morning.
Akaashi sent him a small smile.
"Yeah, I am."

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