𝙳𝚊𝚢 𝟽 - 𝙰𝚛𝚐𝚞𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚜

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Akaashi Keiji is furious.

He loved his boyfriend, he really did. But sometimes he wished Bokuto would remember to consult him about altering the timings of their practice matches. This was the third time within a two month period that Bokuto had changed the time of one of their practice matches. God knows why he did it, but Akaashi never bothers to ask.

The first time it happened, sure Akaashi wasn't all that pleased, but he quickly shook it off. The second time was a little more agitating, but Akaashi did eventually let it go (after sending Bokuto maybe a few tosses less than normal in their match). But now, Bokuto has gone and done it again. Akaashi was a patient man, but contrary to Bokuto's belief (for he had told him many times), Akaashi was not a perfect man.
And maybe, just maybe, Akaashi thought Bokuto needed to work something out for himself for once.

He knew he was being petty and immature, but he was allowed to be every once in a while, right?

He found himself completely ignoring Bokuto throughout their practice against Nekoma, not sending him a single toss the entire time (no matter how his chest tightened when he saw Bokuto's dejected face). In the end, they lost the match but Akaashi couldn't bring himself to care all that much.
He left the moment the game was over, not sparing a single glance to his boyfriend (which was probably a good thing, because if he had to look at Bokuto's crestfallen face for so much as a second his resolve would crumble immediately).

"Woah, what's up with Akaashi today?" Kuroo raised an eyebrow at his best friend.
"I don't know!" Whined Bokuto, who was extremely confused. Why was Akaashi ignoring him?
"You should go talk to him, bro." Advised Kuroo, putting a hand on Bokuto's shoulder.
"I don't know... What if he hates me?" Pouted Bokuto.
Kuroo had to resist the urge to roll his eyes.
"Dude, it's Akaashi, he could never hate you. Usually, y'all are so lovey-dovey it makes me want to puke." Kuroo said matter-of-factly.
"Ok, I'll go talk to him!" Exclaimed Bokuto, already turning on his heels.
"That's my man!" Kuroo slapped his back with a teasing grin, and Bokuto dashed off to go find his boyfriend.

"Akaashiii????" Bokuto called as he walked into the changing rooms.
"Hm?" Akaashi hummed uninterestedly, pulling his shirt over his head.
"What's wrong?" Frowned Bokuto.
"Nothing, Bokuto-san." He pulled his shorts off.
"Did I do something..?" Bokuto asked hesitantly.
Akaashi stayed silent for a moment as he buttoned up his shirt.
He finished getting ready and pulled his back on his shoulder before making his way to the exit, turning just before he left and saying,
"I don't know. Did you?"

"He hates me Kuroo! He absolutely hates me! He is so gonna break up with me and never speak to me ever again!!" Cried Bokuto, laying like a starfish on the floor of Nekoma's room.
Kuroo groaned silently, he loved his bro, but he was so dramatic sometimes.
"What happened?" He asked.
"I asked him if I did anything wrong and he was like "I don't know, did you?"!!" Explained Bokuto sadly.
"Can you think of anything you did that'd make Akaashi mad at you?" Kuroo questioned, the things he dealt with for this man.
"I don't knOw!" Bokuto's voice cracked as he slapped his hands against his face.
"Well, when did he start ignoring you?"
Bokuto thought about it for a moment.
"Since this morning..." Bokuto decided after a moment.
"So, what happened this morning?" Prompted Kuroo.
"Well, I gave Akaashi his good morning kiss and he seemed fine, then I told the team at breakfast I changed the time we were gonna have our practice match, then I-."
Oh yeah, Kuroo forgot how Bokuto had made everyone show up two hours earlier than what was arranged. Something about how he wanted to take Akaashi to the arcade but it would be closed by time the practice match finished.
Kuroo supposed they wouldn't be going to the arcade anymore.

"Bokuto, didn't you tell Akaashi you were changing when we had our match?" Kuroo asked.
"Uh, yeah? Remember I said I told him at breakfa-."
"No, you doofus. I meant did you ask him if you can change the schedule before you did it?" Kuroo internally face-palmed.
"No, I wanted it to be a surprise date!" Bokuto exclaimed.
"Dude, he's your vice-captain, he probably wants you to discuss things like that with him." Sighed Kuroo.
Bokuto stayed silent for a moment before he finally clicked on.

"Oh my god! I'm such a bad boyfriend!!" He wailed.
Well, Kuroo should've seen that coming.
"No you're not, you just made a mistake. You should talk to him." Seriously, what was Kuroo, an agony aunt?
"I can't! He hates me, he'll never want to talk to me ever again!" Whined Bokuto.
Why-oh-why was he cursed with such a dramatic best friend?
"Whatever you say." He sighed, picking up his phone and unlocking it.
Once Bokuto had finished complaining about how terrible he was (for now), he suddenly noticed Kuroo wasn't listening anymore, and in fact had not been listening for a while now.
"What are you doing?" He asked, offended that Kuroo would blank his self-hatred session like that.
"Messaging Akaashi. Someone has to help y'all out, you're both insufferable." Eye-rolled Kuroo.
"Hey! Akaashi's not insufferable!" Bokuto defended, snatching Kuroo's phone from his hands.
"Oi!" Kuroo exclaimed as Bokuto read over his and Akaashi's messages.

Kuroo: Please come talk to your boyfriend,
he's actually killing me. Also he's sorry.

Akaashi: Where is he?

Kuroo: Nekoma's room

Akaashi: I'm on my way.

"Akaashi's coming here!? Now!?" Yelped Bokuto, springing up off the floor.
"Seems so." Deadpanned Kuroo.
A knock sounded from the other side of the door.
"Bokuto-san?" Said Akaashi's voice from the other side of the door, as calm as ever.
"Ah! What do I do!?" Whisper-shouted Bokuto.
"Answer it!" Hissed Kuroo.

"Hi Akaashi," Bokuto said sadly as he hunched over, trying to make his 171 cms of height seem smaller than it was.
"Hello, Bokuto-san." Akaashi had gotten over the being cold to Bokuto thing quite a while ago, now he was just more nervous than anything.
Suddenly Bokuto grabbed Akaashi and pulled him into a tight hug. Ah, well that was quite an advancement. Akaashi blushed.
"Akaashi I'm so sorry! I'm such a bad boyfriend! I understand if you never wanna talk to me ever again for not asking you if I could change the schedule! I-."
"Bokuto-san, I forgave you a while ago, please stop berating yourself now." Akaashi pulled back from the hug slightly to cup Bokuto's cheek and make him look him in the eye.
"Akaaaashiii!! Thank you so muchhh!!" Cried Bokuto, pulling him back into the embrace again.

Akaashi looked away for a second, a glint of anxiousness in his eyes.
"I'm sorry too, Bokuto-san. I should've just told you what was wrong instead of being so harsh on you." His cheeks dusted pink.
"Akaashi!! It's okay! And I promise next time I'll talk to you before changing the schedule!" Bokuto grinned, Akaashi silently thought how glad he was to see that smile again.
"Thank you, Bokuto-san. I just wanted to be included in your decisions, I am your vice-captain after all." Chuckled Akaashi.
"Yeah! No more surprise dates for us!"

"Surprise... dates?" Akaashi raised an eyebrow, what on earth was Bokuto talking about?
"Yeah! I wanted to take you to the arcades after the practice match but they would've been closed by time it ended so I changed the schedule."
Akaashi blushed, Bokuto was such an abnormally sweet, impulsive man sometimes.
"What about the other two times?" Akaashi asked.
"Akaashi! Don't you remember?" Pouted Bokuto.
"The first time was when I took you to that cute new cafe and the second time was when the fair was in town!" Explained Bokuto.
Oh, Akaashi did remember that.
Akaashi sighed, a deep blush spreading across his cheeks which he hid by burying his head in Bokuto's shoulder.
"Well, I assume the arcades will have closed by now. But we can go get an ice cream if you'd like?" Akaashi offered.
Bokuto beamed and intertwined his fingers with Akaashi's longer ones.
"Yeah, I'd like that!"

𝔹𝕠𝕜𝕦𝕒𝕜𝕒 𝕎𝕖𝕖𝕜 𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟙حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن