-just come

I set the phone down, I looked at the two and they're still at it so I shouted at them "STOP"

They stopped and looked at me in silence

"Yeah that's right, keep the fuck down. I'm still here you know" I stated at them

"Sorry..." they apologised and went back to their seats

I sighed and looked at Dream "By the way Dream, how did you know I was here in the hospital?"

"Oh, I went to your to see you but there was no one and the front door wasn't locked so I had a bad feeling and started to ask around your neighbours and they said that they saw you getting carried by a short man to an ambulance so I rushed here"

"HEY, you didn't have to add the 'short' part! What the fuck?" Alex complained

Dream chuckled as he ran his long fingers through his blond hair ignoring Alex's complain "So, what happened anyway? How'd you end up here?"

I looked down remembering what happened earlier... We fought, I yelled at him, I never forgave him. Was that a good idea?


I think I regret everything I said...

"Wait, I need to use the restroom"

"Yeah, be long so I won't see your face"

"No fuck you and your clients"

"Then fuck you and your toontown"

I should apologise to my dad, but how... Do I still have the face to show to him?

I then felt a warm hand wrapped around mine interrupting my train of thoughts. I came back to reality and saw Dream holding my hand tightly

"You can tell me whatever is bothering you, its okay" he said with a calming voice

I forced a little smile "I-its okay... Its nothing"

"You sure?"

"Yes, I'm just feeling light headed a little" I lied to get away with his question

"Oh... Yeah, you should rest for now. We'll talk later" he said standing up softly pushing me down to the bed and fixed my pillow to let me sleep

Well, I'm not really sleepy right now but okay, just to not be sus.

"Rest well okay?" He leaned down and kissed my forehead before sitting back down on the seat next to your bed

Third Person Pov

"What's wrong?" Alex asked seeing y/n sleeping on the bed after coming out of the restroom

Dream looked up from his phone "She got lightheaded so I made her sleep for a bit" he stated "Quackity, can I talk to you for a bit?" he then asked making Alex rather confused

"Okay? Sure..?"

"It's not about the 'courting her' thing"

Alex seemed a little relieved but still he's confused "What do you want to talk about?"

"Let's take this outside"

They left the room leaving y/n peacefully asleep on her bed taking their private conversation outside the room.

As they got out, Alex and Dream stood there beside the door as he looked up at the taller listening to what he's about to say

"So what actually happened? I didn't see any scratches on y/n, how did she end up here?" Dream asked

Alex sighed before saying "She got into a fight with her dad, about a girl on her dad's phone"

"A girl?"

"Yeah, I don't know the full story since I was in the bathroom for the most of the time but her dad was acting strange when he got to her house until he received a call from someone named 'Hentami' and that's where I needed to use the restroom"

Dream sighed placing his hand on his forehead "Dammit Quackity, why would you need the restroom at the most suspenseful moment?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe my fucking di-"

"Okay that's enough, you don't have to finish your sentence" Dream interrupted "But is that all you know?"

Alex sighed "Yeah, I didn't want to interfere because that'll be disrespectful considering the fact that I'm not part of the family so I just waited in the bathroom until they finally stop" he stated "Oh and yeah, y/n fainted that's why I needed to call an ambulance because I really didn't know what to do"

"She maybe fainted from the mixed emotions she felt when she fought with her dad"

Alex scoffed shrugging at what Dream said "I don't know but the doctor said she fainted because of hyperventi- some shit like that so, whatever that shit means"

"Hyperventilation, It's the same thing you idiot, I thought you were smart?" Dream spat

"I study law, not psychology shit!" Alex spat back

Back to your Pov
(talk about speed)

I've left the hospital and I haven't talked to my dad yet, I hope I will earn the strength to show up to him and say sorry but when.

But this is not really the time to be worrying things. I'm with Alex and he said he's taking me on a date before he goes back to Mexico to continue his law study so I gladly accepted.

We're in a line to watch a horror movie in a theatre, we also bought popcorns and drinks because why not? Foods are always better when you're watching something

We entered the theatre taking our seats on the middle and as we just sat down, the movie already started

"Oh, guess we're right on time" Alex stated munching on the popcorns

We watched for a good couple of minutes, it was all good and calm until the director decided to creep the shit out of us before adding a jumpscare making Alex and I along with all the audience scream

We looked at each other before laughing hysterically at our reactions

I watched back as the STUPID Mc heard a crying woman and thought that it was a good idea to follow it, like wtf?!

I immediately grabbed Alex's arm holding him tightly close to me before a jumpscare could even happen and scare me, he just chuckled at me and quickly stole a peck on my cheek

"You're so cute when you're-" he then got cut off by his own scream when the second jumpscare came

I laughed at him "What was that Alex?"

"Oh shut up..."

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