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"Julie! You alright?" as soon as Jules reached the top of the stairs, Jeremiah immediately grabbed her by the shoulders and examined her closely like a worried parent. "Calm down, Jere. I'm fine. Sorry I was just lost in my thoughts earlier,"

Jeremiah lets out a sigh of relief as he nods towards a room, "He's in there. Brett told me what happened, and I also managed to delete the photo of you two uhm.." Feeling herself get embarrassed, she quickly nods her head before proceeding to the room.

After entering the dark room and shutting the door, Jules took a deep breath before walking to the bed that was barely visible in the dark were it not for the light emitted by the moon through the sliding doors made of glass.

"Julianna.." she heard him mumble as she walked closer. Taking a seat on the bedside she moved to turn on the bedside lamp but was immediately stopped by a hand grabbing her arm. "Leave it off."

Jules retracted her hand after a seconds of Will finally releasing it. She started, "Will, I know you're drunk. But why did you kiss me?"

Silence followed afterwards.

Maybe it was the fact that all she could hear was his steady breathing, or the very faded music playing downstairs. But what took minutes had seemed like hours before Will decided to reply.

"..I don't know anymore."

Mentally facepalming herself, of course she was an idiot for thinking he'd give her a proper reply. Especially when he's wasted. For all she knew, he could've probably done it on a whim.

As she moved to get up, Will spoke up, "Please don't leave."

Letting out a sigh, she stood up while looking down at the man. His arm covering his eyes while the other arm laid by his side, a knee propped up as he laid in bed with the moonlight shining onto him. For the first time in her life, she had found Will Gold to be breathtakingly stunning.

"I'll come check on you later. I have to co-host." Ignoring the protests that came from the drunken man, Jules quickly left the bedroom, closing the door as softly as possible.

"You alright?"

"Fuck! You scared the shit out of me," Jeremiah rolled his eyes at the girl as he nodded towards one of the many balconies in his home.

After sliding the door to the balcony closed. The two stood out on the balcony, ignoring the cold night air. "So, are you two good?"

Jules lets out a sigh as she leans against the rails, "He's drunk. He may be responsible sometimes but he does and says things on a whim. That kiss probably didn't even mean anything."

"But did you like it?" Jules studied Jeremiah's expression from the corner of her eye as he asked. A curious expression with a hint of worry filled his face.

She stayed quiet as did he. Rethinking his question. Now did she like it? Hell yeah, she kissed him back after all. The feelings she felt were confusing as she had sworn that she had only seen Will as an older brother figure.

Looking back at it now, she had gotten butterflies whenever her and Will were in close physical contact with each other, yet this feeling had only recently showed up. But why now?

That feeling however, came again as she thought of their kiss together, how Will had looked like an angel under the moonlight, how Will had made her laugh, how he had protected her from anything that could've possibly harmed her. She wanted more.

Holy shit. Julianna Rose Smith had fallen for her best friend.

She longed for his touch, for him to hold her while they talked, about music, streaming- heck she would even listen to him talk for hours on end about planes and whatnot so long as she was in his arms.

"..Jules? I think I should go back now, I heard something crash." Snapping her attention to Jeremiah, she noticed him wince slightly as another crash sound could be heard. Chuckling at him, she nodded. "Go ahead. I'll be down in a moment."

Jeremiah studied her expression for a moment before what seemed like a flash of sadness overtook his expression for just a second until it went back to his regular smile.

As Jeremiah left the balcony, Jules slumped down into a crouching position. Feeling her cheeks heat up despite the cold.

Meanwhile, in the dark room where the only light source emitted was from the moonlight, laid the almost entirely sober man.

After Jules had left in a hurry, Will proceeded to then stare at the ceiling, listening to the thumps and crashes that were made every few minutes or so.

He had tried to close his eyes and fall into a deep slumber, but yet every time he closed them, all he could see was her.

How angry she looked when she had found him talking to Lindsay, the smug look on her face as she dragged him away, the look on her face as she tried her hardest to not let him fall (although he only purposefully made it look like he was gonna fall), and the look she had before they shared their first kiss.

Well, second technically. Although Jules had forgotten their first, Will would remember it for them. A memory he treasured deeply.

"William! William! Look what I got- Are you crying again?" A nine year old Jules ran up to the boy who had tears streaming down his face.

He sniffed slightly as he turned away from her, "Go away. I'm not crying." Stubborn as she was, the girl had shifted to where she could look him in the face properly. "Yes you are, Rocky said it was bad to lie. Did James and the others say something to you again? I told them not to.." The girl frowned as he noticed her clenching something in her tiny fist.

"Why should you care? They're still your friends after all. You wouldn't want to hang out with someone that no one would kiss." The young boy sniffed as tears filled his eyes yet again. But the girl simply let out a huff, "You know your my only friend. They only like me because of mother and dad. Also what? Someone that.. no one.. would.. kiss?"

Will huffed in annoyance and in embarrassment as the girl got lost in her thoughts, a confused expression taking over before one of realisation came.

Before Will could ask what she was thinking about, he saw the girl move in close to him and the next thing he knew, he felt something soft on his lips before the girl pulled away.

"There! Now you can tell them they were wrong." The girl grinned proudly. Will had only felt flustered at the sudden kiss. Trying his best to sound annoyed, he asked, "W..Why'd you do that?"

However, the girl simply shrugged as she held out a piece of his favourite candy to him. "I don't like seeing my best friend sad. Now come on, Rocky said he'll take us to play with Charles."

The boy let himself be dragged by Jules, his embarrassment quickly took into becoming a smile on his face as the girl's grin got wider each step they took.

From that moment on, Will had sworn to protect Jules from everything and anything.

Letting out a chuckle at the bittersweet memory, Will rolled over on the bed once more before shutting his eyes, forcing himself to finally get some shut eye.

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