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Insert song; Out of My League by Fitz and the Tantrums

"HEYYY SOY-BOY! YOU OWE ME LUNCH!" A hunger crazed brunette yelled as she barged into her best friend's office through the unlocked door, not really caring about how obnoxiously loud she was being.

"WHAT THE FU- JULES! STOP! I'M LIVE!" the panicked insanely tall man yelled back, causing Jules to stop in her tracks in shock and to also make sure she doesn't get in frame of his face cam.

They stared blankly at each other before she cleared her throat, "Oh, shit.. WELL LOOK AT THE TIME! Food can wait! Bye Will!" She threw him a sheepish smile before closing the door, hearing his muffled laughter through it.

She let out a groan and started walking while taking out her phone and opening Will's stream to read his chat.

TwinkleToes01: SOY BOYYY
sleepykid22: NOOO SHE LEFT
urfavwhiteboi69: WHO IS JULES??
gary00000000018371: plssss we wanna meet herrrrr
TommyInnit: who is she?????

The chat was switched to emote only mode, which caused her to let out a sigh of relief, "Thank god they don't recognize my voice- although it would be creepy if they did," she mumbled to herself loudly, ignoring the weird glances she received from passerby's in the office.

Jules decided to continue watching the stream while walking, which caused her to bump into something, stumbling back a bit. "Ouch, what the hell?" she held her head as she looked up to see what or more specifically, who she had bumped into.

"JULIEE! I didn't expect to bump into you here! Well, I did actually intend for this to happen!" exclaimed a cheery taller brunette boy.

She stared blankly at him, and waved him off, "Go home Ronnie, you'll get swarmed by the paparazzi and then I'll have to play the role of the sexy heroine to save your ass,"

Ronnie, also known as Aaron, pouted at the strictness shown by his older sister, "And here I thought you were the fun one,"

Jules glared slightly at the boy, knowing how she would love to prove him wrong. Letting out a sigh, she grabs his arm and drags him with her,

"I'm only doing this cause I want food and you're paying," she said, causing Aaron to let out a grin.

"I thought you were gonna go munch off of Will?" he asked curiously as she replied with a shrug.

"He was streaming," Man did she regret saying that.

"HOLD UP! CAN I BE IN A WILBUR SOOT STREAM?" Aaron stopped in his tracks, causing her to stop too. I can't believe this idiot's a famous singer and yet he's still fanboying over.. Will.

"No, we're not gonna go back there,"







"Can't I just-"


"Fine! Sheesh, no need to hog him up like that, it's not like I could just take him away with my amazing looks and comforting voice,"

Jules threw him an unamused look, "Damn, I don't still don't get how people could even assume me and you act the most alike," she mumbled, causing Aaron to let out a laugh.

Aaron stopped laughing and suddenly flashed a grin over to Jules' side.

Jules threw him a weird look, "What? Do I have something on my face? DID I WEAR THE WRONG SHADE OF LIPSTICK AGAIN?" she sassily asked a little too loudly, causing a familiar chuckle to be heard behind her.

She immediately turned around and put her hands up, looking like she was.. ready to karate chop the boy?

"Aha! Knew it was you. It's pointless trying to sneak up on me again," she said smugly, causing Will to roll his eyes while walking up to her.

"Yeah, ooh you got me! You ruined my secret plan of assassinating you for almost exposing yourself on my stream!" he remarked sarcastically, causing the shorter girl to blush in embarrassment.

"..You owed me food, William," she mumbled as she turned around to face her brother whilst keeping her head down.

"You barged into my stream, Julianna," Will said with a smirk while resting his hand on her head.

"Aaron! My man! How've you been?" as Will and Aaron went in for a hug, Jules couldn't help but frown at how Aaron was throwing a mischievous smirk at her.

"Oh, I've been alright mate! Just been here and there, trying to find out where my lovely older sister would be. Turns out almost in one of your streams!" Aaron exclaimed excitedly, causing a chuckle out of Will.

"Yeah. Hey, look. What about we all go to a cafe to talk about this? I feel like the security here uhm.. aren't too friendly about you guys barging in," said Will pointing out the security guard that looked like he was about to shit himself.

"No worries, Will! Mother owns this building, if they really wanted to lose their jobs they would've kicked Jules out the moment she stepped foot in here!" cheered Aaron, as the trio started walking.

"Shut the fuck up, Aaron! Why would they ever wanna kick out a star such as moi?"

Both Will and Aaron let out a choked laugh, making the girl pout at the two ganging up on her.

"Julianna, the only star I see here is me. And the obvious star himself, Aaron Phillip Smith," Will nudges Jules causing her to roll her eyes.

"Will! I'm flattered. Keep it up and I may just have to ask for your hand in marriage!" joked Aaron as both men laughed.

As the laughter died down, Aaron added, "But seriously though Will, if you ever wanna do something bigger.. Our dad is a music producer and he'd love to sign a contract with you,"

This caught Jules' attention, she knew how much Will loved music. It was all he ever talked about. Like how Aaron admired the streamer, Wilbur Soot, Will admired the music producer, Godric Smith, father of Julianna and Aaron.

"Nah. He wouldn't wanna recruit someone who makes sad creepy music," joked Will, as both siblings disagreed.

"Will, as much as I hate to boost your big ass ego, you've got talent," said Jules.

"Yeah, your new song, "I'm in Love with an E-Girl" was really cool! I'm sure dad would be happy to recruit you," added Aaron.

Will lets out a laugh that leaves both siblings confused, "You two are fucking weird,"

"Hey, man. I'm not but she is," Aaron pointed at Julianna causing her to smack him upright the head,

The two siblings then continued to bicker back and forth as Will tried to play peacemaker for the rest of the day.

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