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Jules was very pissed off.

After dancing the night away with Will, Jules received a call that she'd be going to her dad's workplace to start learning the basics on music producing.

Of course she asked Will to come. But he declined her request with the excuse that he had a stream to do and videos to record.

She understood that of course, it was how he made most of his money after all.

But blatantly ignoring her for almost an entire day by leaving a text after he left was a really shitty thing to do.

Not Romeo
Sorry, im gonna be really busy today, pls dont bother texting or calling
Will call u later

"What's got you all down in the dumps?" asked Jeremiah as he took a seat beside her on the couch.

"William's been ignoring me," frowned Jules as Jeremiah shook his head smiling slightly at her.

"You two have always been inseparable. I'd suggest giving it a day or two," he leans back on the couch as Jules let out a sigh.

"Yeah, but it's almost been a whole day!" Jules didn't get it either, sure maybe Will needed his space, but why would she feel so upset over this.

"Hm.. Well, we are talking about Will here, plus it's only 5pm Julie," teased Jeremiah, causing Jules to pout and lay back on the couch.

"You need some cheering up," exclaimed Jeremiah as Jules felt him get up from the couch. "We're done here right? Let's go chill somewhere," he offered her his hand to get up which she accepted.

"Thanks, Jerry. But er- no offence, why are you here? You don't do music stuff,"

He shrugged at her as he kept his hold on her hand, "Just wanted to hang with you and see you work,"

"Oh- uh-" Jules stuttered causing him to let out a chuckle, "Flattering, I know. Let's go. I'll be your William for the day!"

She threw him an unamused look, "He's not MY William,"

"Well.. you are the only person to call him that and besides, he follows you around like a puppy, you basically own him by now- no wait actually, its the other way around," joked Jeremiah, causing Jules to punch his arm lightly.

"Ouch, please don't ever forget that you've had ten years of karate lessons because that was a hard hit," teased Jeremiah as Jules rolled her eyes at him.

"Mm.. nah. I basically gave up the second year so you're probably just weak as fuck," she challenged.

"I could literally carry you and throw you into the fountain outside, BUT since I'm such a nice person, I won't," replied Jeremiah, chuckling as he started walking.

Jules smiled at him before following him.


"So.. Julie. What have you been up to recently?" asked Jeremiah as he drove them to an ice cream shop per Jules' request.

"Right, hm. You've done photography before right? Well I started streaming recently," Jules thought out loud, earning a chuckle from Jeremiah.

"Photography and streaming technically aren't the same thing, but since it's you, I'll let it slide," Jules slowly felt slightly embarrassed upon realising what he said,

"Ahem! Anyways, yeah. I've started streaming, and I will say that it is INCREDIBLY successful," Jeremiah raised an eyebrow at her before replying,

"No offence or anything Julie- but like surely Will had something to do with it?" he meant for it to be a tease but Jules let out a huff in annoyance,

OUT OF MY LEAGUE || Wilbur SootOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz