Chapter 7 Torrential Tears

Start from the beginning

That is unless he was around his wife.

The older employees made the link then, for they knew how in love their chairman and his wife were. No doubt his long trip saddened her especially now that they realised that their chairman must have departed that morning.

But of course, that was only speculation. It wasn't the only one, because the naïve ones had their own crazy theories.

"Do you think that's her twin?" One of the interns commented dumbly.

"Ya! Be careful what you say around here. You do know some of us actually worked for the Hans before, right?" Her sunbaenim asked.

"Omo, jinjja?"

"Ne. We were lucky enough that VAST decided to hire us after that whole shitshow with Han & Co. Besides, that is not her twin. You have no idea how horrid her twin truly is. We'd know." One of the employees gestured to the team that was saved from the evil woman's clutches.

"Son Ye Jin and Han Ji Wan are like heaven and hell. They're direct opposites of one another." Another co-worker confirmed.

"I'm sorry...I didn't know." The intern apologised profusely.

"You'll learn. Our director probably misses the chairman, that's all. Now let's get back to work." One of the employees clapped her hands together.

And indeed, the reason why Ye Jin made a beeline to her office was so that she could finally cry. She barely managed to hold it in when her secretary greeted her before she told her that she didn't wish to be disturbed for the next hour or two.

Just like that, Ye Jin was left alone in her office.

All she knew then was that she needed a good cry.

Her tears started off slow, like a tap that has not been fully opened. They dripped down bit by bit as she let her handbag fall to the ground with a soft thud. But that quickly spiralled beyond the point of control as the hot tears rapidly fell from her eyes.

Knees weakened, Ye Jin sank down into the ground, letting her desk support what she could not. By then, her small frame was shaking with the power of her sobs as they ravaged her heart, rendering her incapable of ignoring the pain tearing through her.

 By then, her small frame was shaking with the power of her sobs as they ravaged her heart, rendering her incapable of ignoring the pain tearing through her

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Despite telling herself that she had to breathe, Ye Jin was choked by her tears. Her shaky breaths did nothing in reigning in her emotions. Rather, she was only getting more lightheaded from her tears by the second.

Defeated and helpless. That was how she was feeling now that her husband was a thousand miles away from her.

Already, she was missing his tender touches and his soul-healing kisses. Already, she missed that deep baritone of his and his horse laughter.

If he was here now, he would probably be knocking on her office door, under the guise of delivering handmade coffee to her.

If he was here now, he would be smirking at her cheekily yet endearingly because he usually took an hour to get into chairman mode at work.

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