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Hearing talking Reign flutters her eyes open seeing nothing but white. For a minute she thought she had made it to heaven but that was until her vision focused.

Looking around she saw that she was in a hospital room.

She was confused because she had never been in a hospital. Her dad had the money so even as a kid she always had a personal doctor that would bring equipment to their home anytime something happened.

She tries to talk but she couldn't get a word out being that her voice felt so scratchy. A cup of water is placed in front of her causing her head to turn seeing Big T.

Drinking the water down her throat now feels much better.

"Why am i here?" She ask.

"We couldn't wait for Doctor Moon to come to the house so we had to bring you to him" He replies.


"Me and Mel" She nods her head in understanding.

Big T face was emotionless and she couldn't understand why. Looking around the room she noticed her best friend wasn't in there.

"Where's Mel?"

"She went to the cafeteria to get herself some food" He says blankly causing her to nod her head.

"Come on what's wrong?" She ask getting tired of the way he was responding.

"I'll call the Doctor in here so you can learn for yourself." She watches him walk out the room before returning back with the Doctor in hand.

"Ahh i see your awake" He says walking in while sanitizing his hands.

"Yea um can i ask you what's wrong with me"

"Well Ms. Armani you have multiple bruises that will go down with time and because of the physical impact that hit your brain you might see symptoms of a concussion in a few days which i will medicate you for but you have to be careful to not harm the baby" He says with a slight smile.

Her heart dropped when she heard what he said, "Baby? um excuse me what do you mean?"

"Oh i'm sorry i thought you knew, your three weeks pregnant" She widen her eyes before her breathing became unsteady.

"You might want to calm down. You don't wanna harm your miracle child" He says as he began checking her vitals.

"Miracle?" She ask confused while still breathing heavy.

"When you came here you were bleeding and could've possibly suffered a miscarriage had your friends not brought you sooner." He tells her while checking her temperature.

"So is my baby okay?" Reign ask in a soft tone.

"Yes your baby is okay but it would do you well to be stress free" He says causing her head to nod in understanding.

Looking over she sees Mel coming into the room with a styrofoam container. Watching on as her best friend widens her eyes seeing her up and seemingly looking a lot better.

"Are you okay?" She ask as she put the container down, rushing over to her friend.

"Yea i'm as okay as i'll ever be..i need you to tell me how i ended up here."

"Welp i'm finished, i'll have a nurse bring your medicine and you can leave whenever your ready." The Doctor said before walking out the room leaving Reign and the two people she trust the most.

"Spill" She says to them with a stern look.

"Well i was coming back home and when i walked in the door was wide open and you were laying on the floor unconscious."

"Did he do this to you?" Big T ask after a moment of silence causing Reign to look over at him and nod.

"Fuck" He mumbles harshly.

"How long have i been here?"

"Two days" Mel answers.

"Well we have to get his ass back for wha-"

"Stop" Reign says looking over at him while Mel stood there quiet.

"He almost killed you. What do you mean 'stop'?"

"I know he almost killed me and that's why i'm going to stay dead" She replies causing both of her friends to give her a confused look.

"He thinks he's killed me so i'll let him believe it. I just found out that i'm having a baby, i just wanna peacefully raise my child and i can't do that as long as he knows i'm alive" They both nod their heads understanding where she's coming from.

"Well how far do you want to go with this?" Big T ask.

"Very far"


Reign had just gotten out the hospital and she made sure to get all of her meds before leaving. She was in the hospital illegally so there were no records of her being there.

She was currently at a motel watching Big T bring all of her bags to the room.

"So we got all of your clothes, a plane ticket and you have a untraceable bank account under the name Heather Louis." Big T says making Reign nod her head.

"Also you still have some cash stashed in your suitcases" Mel continues.

"So basically i'm ready to go?" She asked looking around at the disgusting room.

"Your flight takes off in two hours and we're 30 minutes from the airport so yes"

Looking around she sighed knowing that they're not going to be okay with her next request. "I need to go somewhere first".

"Okay where we going?"

"Let me rephrase, i need to go somewhere by myself"

"No" They both say at the same time.

"I'm grown...i promise i'll keep my head low and meet y'all at the airport." She says while slapping on a blue wig and pair of glasses they got her from party city.

Walking out the motel, she gets into the car before driving off.

Standing in the motel Big T finally realizes, "Oh shit she can't drive" He says making Mel widen her eyes.

Pulling back the curtains to look out the window, "Well she already pulled off so let's just hope she doesn't get into a accident".

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