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Boarding the private jet to Virginia, Reign reeked of nervousness. She was afraid that his aunt may not like her as crazy as it sounds.

Coming to sit beside her, Cillian starts to whisper in her ear.

"are you okay?" he says, sensing her nerves.

"Yes i'm fine just a little nervous." she replies simply.

"So you mean to tell me that you kill people for a living but your getting nervous to meet my aunty?" he ask, in astonishment.

"Yes, i'm still human." she says while rolling her eyes. Grabbing her hand, Cillian leads her to the room in the back of the private jet.

Taking his shirt and shoes off he motions for her to do the same. Standing in only his sweatpants, Reign takes a minute to admire him while taking her heels off.

"Why the hell you wear heels?" Cillian ask looking at her stupid.

"Because i like wearing heels." she replies, shrugging.

Shaking his head at her response he carefully gets into the bed pulling the covering on himself. Finally getting her heels off, Reign does the same.

Feeling her finally crawl into bed, Cillian immediately lays on top of her putting his head into her chest. Feeling him laying on her chest, Reign starts to rub his head in an comforting manner before dosing off to sleep.

ring ring

Waking up from her hour an a half slumber she notices Cillian's phone ringing. Tapping his chest that she was now laying on, she tells him to get his phone.

Mumbling a almost inaudible 'let it ring' he continues to sleep making Reign slap him in his head.

"Get your fucking phone" she says glaring at him, as he rubs his head wanting to punch her in the mouth.

Grabbing his phone, he notices that its Jada blowing his shit up.

Jada was another one of his hoes that he had besides Ashley. All there was were messages of her telling him she misses him and wants him to come over, which he couldn't do.

Turning his phone on silent, he pulls Reign closer once again laying his head on her chest like a baby.

"Who was it?" Reign ask curiously.

"nobody" he mumbles into her chest.

Wanting to pick his phone up, she just shakes it off and goes back to sleep.

2 hours later...

The couple had been off the jet and were on their way to one of Cillian's estates he had in Virginia.

Pulling up to his home in the all white Lamborghini, he had his security get. He was finally back in Virginia and with his baby this time.

Getting out the car they head into the house, there things were already put up for them so all they had to do was go in.

" Baby?" Cillian calls out to Reign.

"hmm?" she hums looking up from her phone to see what he wants.

"Come get in the shower with me because we have to be over my aunts by 6:30" he tells her.

"But babe it's 4:20" she says, thinking that they were going to at least be able to get settled in.

"I know that's why i said come take a shower with me so we can start getting ready." he says annoyed with her dubiousness.


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