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Cracker had heard of witches, but aside from his sister who only looked like one, he thought witches were only fantasy.

But here was a Witch that proved they were no fairytale. Not to mention she actually looked good.

"I know what you're thinking: 'I thought witches looked unappealing and had a cackle.' That's a stereotype muggles use for us. *Huff* Stupid Grimm Brothers." Amy frowned.

"Muggles?" Cracker asked.

"It's a term we magics use for non-magic folk." Amy smiled.

"Well, how come I never heard of your kind before?" Cracker smirked.

"We usually keep to ourselves, plus we prefer to stay as far away from the government as possible. Can you imagine what would happen if they got one of us in their ranks by force?" Amy asked as she drank her mocha.

Cracker shook his head at that.

"So, what brings you to Tottoland of all places?" Cracker asked.

"Let's just say I learned that the people who were supposed to be my friends were actually backstabbing me, seeking to use my status to live without working for it, especially for my accomplishments. So I decided to leave with my godson. Anywhere was fine as long as I was away from them." Amy said, seeing Teddy had fallen asleep on the couch.

Cracker nodded as he listened. "Don't your folks know here?"

He saw Amy flinch at that.

"Not unless you know how to use a Ouija parents died when I was an infant, and I lost my godfathers a few years ago. My only living relatives are my mom's sister and her family, and we have some bad blood. I'm pretty much on my own." Amy admitted.

So she was single and on her own besides her godson.

At least it makes things easier.

"How did you open up this shop then?"

"My dad came from a long line of old money, but he wasn't prejudiced. It wasn't that hard for me. Besides, I love to bake." Amy smiled.

So she had money, a LOT of money. But she didn't flaunt it.

Then Cracker spoke up.

"You should come by one of Mama's tea parties. It's entertaining for everyone." He offered.

"I have heard of them, though to be honest, this is my first time coming to one. I usually don't like these kind of gatherings, being the center of attention and all." Amy admitted.

Cracker only smiled further, he'd be able to keep her by his side.

After the rain ended, Cracker noticed it was about night time. He had chatted with Amy for so long, he didn't notice.

After a little convincing, Amy finally agreed to come by for the tea party next week on the promise she would also bring some of her sweets from the shop.

Cracker headed back feeling taller than before. If people asked about the bounce in his step, he would deny it.

Witch of the Charlotte FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now