I rolled off the bed coming face first with the floor,  letting out a pained sound I stood up looking around the room to see that Ariana was no where in sight.

How long did I stay on the floor that I didn't notice her leave?. I quietly took the bible I slept with off the floor and placed it gently on the nearby table.

I carefully walked to the mirror while wobbling a little because of the Dizziness, looking at myself in the mirror I saw my reflection to say I was shocked would be an understatement.

I was petrified, my hair stuck out in different direction looking like a bird nest, my eyes had bags under them it looked like I hadn't slept in ages.

After Ariana giving me the fright of my life, I decided to sleep with a bible to my chest in case anything just happened suddenly, I won't be afraid of going to hell even if I do deserve it because I already prayed for forgiveness.

Walking to the bathroom Without tripping seemed like Game of thrones, when i finally arrived I did my business and morning routines. Walking out with fresh pair of clothes seemed refreshing.

Now it was time to find Ariana, hopping down the stairs and yelling the for Ariana, I heard a little voice from the right side direction say "in the kitchen" to say I was shocked was just about right. Quicken my steps to the kitchen I saw Ariana in an apron making waffles, Okay what planet I'm I on now.

Carefully Calculating my steps I spoke "are we going to die"

Looking at me like a crazy person "what are you talking about? "

"Your cooking!, you never cook that must mean the world's ending, this is our last supper isn't it?, aliens have finally invaded the planet!!!" She mumbled something inaudible.

"Just shut up and appreciate my cooking for once, we have a long day ahead of us"

"Yeah we do, so yesterday when I was sleeping I actually thought about just leaving at once Instead of staying cause the longer we stay the longer our lives are in danger" I tried to persuade.

"We are not going over this again, look everything's being planned, we just have to lay low for the time being and your not letting a stupid man stand in the way of your happiness, don't give him control over your life"

"Your right!!!, so we should avoid any distractions and be done as soon as possible "

"That's the spirit and beside I already booked our flight if we we're to reschedule it would cost a lot of money and we don't have that so let's manage up, now no more talking let's eat my wonderful breakfast special "

Few minutes later.......

Ariana washed all the dishes, even after begging her to let me join in but she refused so I gave up and went up stairs to straighten my hair and to my greatest displeasure i put on some makeup to at least look different.

I grabbed my purse checking if I carried the essential stuff like credit card, phone, charger, cash, lip gloss and came back jogging down the stairs to see Ariana waiting for me, wearing sun glass with the car keys in her hand, giving me a sign to hurry up with her hands. I increased my pace to the door.

"Why did you straighten your hair and wear makeup because as long as I have known you, you never bothered to at least wear lip gloss unless we're going to a club or to an office function and don't forget I have to constantly plead with you or threatened to kill myself, so yeah, what's the special occasion? " she rushed all that out.

"First of all I love my natural African look, secondly its not my fault your such a good actor to make every person including me believe every time that you would actually want kill yourself every time, thirdly I don't just like makeup and finally to look different duh!!! "

"Please the only thing that makes you look different is the makeup, you got your lips covered but were still going to recognize your eyes and that's a dead give away to your face " she was right, my eyes we're a really bright shade of Hazel and that's were I earned the nick name hazel from my dad. I miss him, I can't wait.

"Well that's why" taking the glasses from her and putting them on "I will wear these and now they can't see my eyes problem solved and I put on lipstick " I smiled at my smartness.

"Since when did you become so care free and I'm the one now worrying "

"You said don't give him control over my life and I'm doing just exactly that or maybe God decided to relief my stress and made us switch our personalities over night" I playfully said.

"Well damn give me back my personality " we giggled at her comment.

Just then Ariana phone beeped indicating she had a new message, she pulled out her phone typing at lighting speed then switches it off before I could get a good look at it. That's weird, the only time she hid her phone from me was when she had a love interest and I teased her about it, I will never let her live it down.

But come to think of it she has been on her phone more recently and she put a password, which she has never done before, maybe she's trying to be extra careful because of my teasing.

"What were you doing on your phone?" I asked, she visibly tensed at my words, something is definitely up.

"What do you mean? " she laughs nervously.

"Ever since we came back from the club you've been acting strange, so what's up?"

She takes a deep breath "okay, I guess I'm really doing this, you better not laugh............

I'm seeing someone "


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