BIO(and Y/n companion)

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[I have cool watch, where I buy? At $1 shop]

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[I have cool watch, where I buy? At $1 shop]

Name: Y/n

Age: ???[Too lazy to tall]

Race: Human, Evil god(formerly)

Personality: Very curious, too agree with everything, calm, nervous, Cheerfull, cool(rare moment), lazy(mostly Everytime he bored).

Like: Know what earthling do, try to copy someone cooking, cooking (sometimes he put wrong ingredients), summon random monster or living being for nor-particular reason, eating, teasing (don't know how to tease someone but he try ok), to confident with something he don't know.

Dislikes: Being look down, accidentally put wrong ingredients in his cooking, bad food, doing nothing, bully someone without invite him, wacthing himself being record.

True form: ???

[Do everything no matter what it take to survive]

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[Do everything no matter what it take to survive]

Description about Y/n: Too straight forward and always do something that his friends need to help him or advice him. The one that responsible for erase half of people in Earth. Reason? "The living being so disgusting to live, I will erase them until I feel satisfied".

 Reason? "The living being so disgusting to live, I will erase them until I feel satisfied"

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[They say we can't punch woman or slap, but they didn't say we can't kick their ass]

Name: Joseph

Age: ???[Forgot]

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