Chapter 2

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After the reveal of Meliodis being the dragon sin, and you being...well still a secret.

That was it, so you decided to go by a friend of his and nothing more years ago.

Elizabeth has been incredibly fascinated with the two of you since, and you've been trying to direct the attention towards Meliodis who you figured wouldn't mind since he was particularly fond of Elizabeth.

Now you all were on the move once again, and trying to avoid the holy knights so there's a huge possibility of being on the move plenty more.

"Hey Elizabeth"

"Um, yes?"

"Could you come downstairs?"

"Yes! Just a minute!''

Elizabeth was in disbelief, and she was astonished to meet two of the greatest helps to the kingdom. Well, she thinks she found them?


"So, what's this for again?"

Elizabeth looked a bit shy, her face was red and you could understand her embarrassment.

The original tavern uniform was similar to the one you almost had to wear. (this is regardless of the gender)

The pink crop top with a purple bow covering the clevege/chest and a skirt/shorts that reached low enough just to hardly cover the private areas. One knee-high sock and different colored flats.

The only difference is that you burnt yours and bought knew ones instead. Of course Meliodis was shocked and looked a little disappointed but you assumed it was because of his perverted tendencies.

However Elizabeth was more compliant then you were, and she wore it much to his liking and much to your disliking, but of course if she was okay with it then so were you.

"Um, what's this for again?"

"Its the tavern uniform!"

"Wow, way to put your pervery ideas to display you jerk"

You sighed and shook your head in disappointment because of how Meliodis examined Elizabeth.

"Please have some restraint boss! "

You exclaimed all while Meliodis kept looking at Elizabeth, as if he was checking to see anything to ease his perverted mind.

Soon you felt an arm wrapped around your shoulders and looked over to see Meliodis standing on two/one chairs/chair (or none) to reach your shoulders.

"Oh come on (Y/N), you can call me Meliodis now. Elizabeth already knows. Plus this is the first time I get to see someone wear my uniform"

As expected you pushed him off the chair/chairs, letting him fall with a thud.

"Anyways, Elizabeth you'll be working with me as a waiter for the tavern for now. Its just until we get you back, sound good?"

"Oh! I get it. So we can keep track of rumors and whereabouts of the other seven deadly sins, right? Maybe even Angel Dove!"

You smiled and ruffled her hair, and her face was soon lightly dusted pink.

"you've got it."

Then you looked behind her and saw someone standing oddly close to her skirt area.

"Some intel on the holy knights would be good too"

Soon a gasp came from Elizabeth as Meliodis lifted her skirt to catch a glimpse of her underwear, to which you quickly responded with kicking him in his nose.

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