Chapter 8: Tragedy

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I'm currently in Kandahar, why I'm in Kandahar? Well after I got the Purple Heart my commander told me that my brother Aiden was taken captive. In my family we never leave someone behind. It took a few days until the president finally allowed me to come and save him. I just got back from an interrogation mission, and I need a shower.

Y/n:"Damn there's blood all over me." I say out loud

I take my gear off and strip. I then wrap a towel over my waist and go to the showers. While I was walking there a wolf walked up to me.

Wolf:"Hey, why is there black stuff on your neck chest, arms, and back?" He asks

I look at him confused.

Y/n:"The marks? I ask

He shakes his head.

Wolf:"It looks like smeared black ink. If they were marks the people who marked you died." He says seriously

My eyes widen when I hear this. I walk quickly back to the barracks. I look in the mirror at the spots. The only marks that don't look smeared are Nika's, Xanari's, and Vishka's. So everyone I loved besides those three could be dead.

I then walk back to the shower, and clean myself staring at the wall. When I'm clean I put clean gear back on.

Y/n:"Could they really be dead?" I ask myself in my head

Just then my commander walks in.

CO:"Y/n, come here son." He says

I walk up to him, and he takes a deep breath. Then a deep exhale.

CO:"I'm sorry to tell you this, but. A lot of your friends died at a school shooting. Your girlfriend Sabrina was also there. I'm sorry son, but she's dead." He says sadly

I slowly look down at my feet with tears building up. I then look back up at him.

Y/n:"Is my daughter okay?" I ask

CO:"Kalim, Zara, and Sasha are fine. As well as Nika, Xanari, Talia, Crystal, and Vishka." He says

I nod my head a few times.

CO:"You're going home so you can mourn, and bury them." He says

Y/n:"NO! I have to save my brother first. How can I go home while my brother is still a prisoner?" I ask

He doesn't know how to answer my question.

CO:"I don't know. Once we save him, you'll go home with him. You need to grieve, and you'll want to say goodbye." He states

I then walk back to my bunk and grab my rifle. I then load a mag, and grab the extra ones. I then walk past the CO and out the barracks. The CO follows me out.

CO:"Where are you going?" He asks sternly

Y/n:"It's like you said, once we find Aiden, him and I go home. I'll find him myself." I state

I grab enough diesel to last a month, then I go and get into one of the Humvees. I start it and drive out of base.

Three weeks later

Aiden is in the passengers seat while I'm driving back into base. Right as I enter there are soldiers aiming at the Humvee. I open the door and so does Aiden. We both get out and I walk up to the CO.

Y/n:"Sir I know what I did was wrong and you'll probably have a court marshalled. I don't care I brought my brother back. You said when he's saved I get to go home with him. Am I still allowed to leave with him?" I ask

The CO has a stern look on his face. He then gets uncomfortably close to me.

CO:"You did not ask for permission to leave base. Although you saved Aiden, you have courage. I will give you that. Zara gave birth while you where gone. I won't court marshal you, but you can't ever come back to the military." He says in a demanding voice

I nod my head at this. I then walk Aiden to a medical tent. After a few hours we are on a plane to go home. I tapping my foot with my hands linked together. Over the past weeks I've done things worse than my first deployment. Things I can't tell the only girls I have left. Aiden has been through hell, and he definitely won't be able to talk to his girlfriend about it.

Y/n:"Zara gave birth." I say quietly and softly

Aiden looks at me and puts his hand on my shoulder.

Aiden:"You're a good person, and a good boyfriend. I heard about what happened, and I'm sorry." He says sincerely and quietly

I nod my head when he says this. I close my eyes and think of all the happy memories I made with them. I remember a asshole touched Julia's ass. I beat the shit out of him.

Pretty soon I felt myself falling asleep. Right before I fell asleep I open my eyes. I felt the plane start taking off down the runway. I put my hands to my face. I sit like that for a few minutes. When I lift my head up Aiden is asleep. I reach into my back pocket a pull out a photo. It's a photo of Sabrina when we went out on a date. I turn it around and it says 'a mulher eu amor'.(Portuguese) I put the picture back into my pocket and lean my head against the side of the plane. I look at Aiden, his healthy body now skinny, and malnourished. I softly put my hand on his shoulder. When I did this he moves away in his sleep.

Y/n:"We'll get through this together. Harley won't understand why you'll act differently, but I will. So I will help you get better, as well as help myself again." I say

He then leans his head on my shoulder like he heard what I said in his sleep. I put my hand on his shoulder and hug him around the back.

Y/n:"You'll always be my brother, no matter how much pain you go through." I say

I then close my eyes and fall asleep. I dream of an attack on our base.

??:"OPEN FIRE!" I hear a man yell

Right as I hear that there are gunshots all around me. A hail of bullets go towards hostile forces. The attack last for 18 hours. The commander stationed here died. The only reason we survived was because of me and 3 others. When the fighting died down, a week later we got a new commander. The one that I am now leaving to go home. I jolt awake as I feel the plane hit the ground. I look around and the plane is slowing down. I look at Aiden and he's still asleep. After a few minutes the plane stops completely. I sit there motionless and Aiden wakes up. The back of the plane opens up and we both stand up. I grab my duffle bag and Aiden grabs his. We both walk out the back and I see the girls as well as Aiden's girlfriend. As they walk toward us I lower my head. I do this out of sadness. Sadness of if they can't adjust to me again. I then feel a pair of scaly hands softly on my cheeks. I keep my face looking down, not being able to look at them. After a minute I finally look up and see Xanari in front of me. She's crying and partially smiling, probably because I'm home.

Y/n:"I'm home." I say to myself

As the camera pans out and into the sky.

Well guys, this is it. I really enjoyed making this book. Some of you might be disappointed with only 8 chapters, but I don't want to repeat things that I've already written. So I hope you all enjoyed reading and I hope you have a great rest of your day. Again I'm sorry that it's so short.

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