1• Development of Uranium rare Jacket

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Richie humanoid alien who began working on a brand new type of uranium weaponize super jacket. The process kicked off with aerospace design, where they crafted the uranium jacket with turbine engines. These engines were regulated by a fuel-air valve, and about half of the prototypes were supported by high nanorobot monitoring arms. Because of safety concerns, nuclear power plants have stopped operating.

"Armoured humanoid systematic cobots definitely need to be switched on, regardless of whether they are scrutinized or not. Safety and functionality are crucial for their operation. It's important to ensure that they are ready to perform their tasks efficiently and effectively.." Richie scowled expressing his concern.

"Nah, I don't agree with you... on that one, Richie. The first system surpassed the limited development of rare uranium due to its intense power.."

"Then, let's put our quantum mechanics and physics knowledge into action!" he suggested, but his  outburst didn't unsettle James.

Black, curly hair is pulled back to reveal a full, time-worn face. Dead brown eyes, set sunken within their sockets, dark stubble alluringly compliments his eyes and leaves a pleasant memory of his fortunate survival.

This is the face of James Villardi, a true robotics engineer among race of enhanced humans. He stand awkwardly among wide range of non working swarm of robots.

There's something charming about him, perhaps it's his goodwill or perhaps it's simply his tenderness. The ability to perform bot-herder attacks.

There was a pilot fish swimming around in the dynamics aquarium behind the desk, making sure the water was all nice and detoxified. Quite busy little fish.

Why don't you initiate the drone into the sky and have it search under a service tunneling signal from aid in space, maybe even in the higher atmosphere... we may get help from the stationary orbits."

"Richie, you know we can't create an uranium metal without a nuclear power source." James warned Seth ahead using drones signal.

"But the process shut down due to the safety measures if by using nuclear energy."

James tilts his head not knowing what to do by using Richie ideology won't support the development. "By the way Richie if we used the drone signals it won't help, it can't go higher into stellar debris cloud, this strategy will be a mess." James grumbles a static feed cracks on a nearby monitor then stored.

"James, why can't you understand this creation of the super jacket gonna help us save the people that are suffering from hallucinations and ADHD why? The nanobot just shut down."

"So, what do you think?"

"By using the drones signals!" Richie manically exclaimed on James shattering the sound absence of lab.

"Do you know that solar ultraviolet radiation will burn the drones: when it increase in its altitude." James reply dryly, furiously back at Seth which startled him.

Both departed to their ways- the light of the science lab switch off,

The following consecutive days they were working on new type of voice-controlled predictive AI software which they believe gonna be a game changer to them. "Richie, I'm sorry for what happened yesterday I went too awry on you."

It's nothing James just forget we need to think about how to start the stimulators generated to the uranium jacket." He put on his black shades draw a book from his bag to record a data on.


"Um!" He replies mumbling under his breath.

"I have an idea." James bolted from his chair aiming straight at Richie with amazement.

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