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a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep.
When I'd finally reached my bedroom after what felt to me like a date that would only ever happen to movies, I couldn't help but smile.

I flopped back on my bed and looked up at the ceiling, I watched my fan go round and round a few times. The smile on my face growing bigger with every spin. I couldn't help it. Jack made me feel something that I'd never felt with anyone before.

I got off my bed and took a shower. I was drying my hair when I heard my phone ding in the room next to me

Jack :)

hey.. thanks for tonight. I had a lot of fun

thank you Jack. I had a great time :)

oh and uh... about that kiss

what about it?

There was a pause. Neither of us typing.

It uh.. it was good

The smile on my lips grew bigger. It was only one date, but it was the most magical date I've ever been on.

yeah.. it was :)

We spoke for a little while longer, before I decided to head off to bed.

The only thing on my mind was Jack... and I didn't mind. I finally had something to think about other than my own anxious thoughts.

I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep, my mind still flooded with images of Jack.

I grabbed my bag and decided to go for a walk in the park. I sent a message to Jack, and asked him if he wanted to hang out.

No answer. I was left on read.

A few hours later, there was still no response.

I finally got home after a few hours at the park. And still no answer.

Is everything ok?
I sent him another message. Cause maybe something happened.

yes. it's fine. what did you want?

oh.. it's nothing don't worry about it.

I sat on the edge of my bed, my eyes locked on the floor.

maybe he was lying. maybe he didn't wanna hang out again. he probably just didn't want me to feel bad.

I felt my heart beating rapidly in my chest, and my vision became blurry as tears threatened to fall.

I woke up, and sat up with a bolt. My hands were shaking and my eyes were teary. It was just a dream... or was it

I rolled over and looked at my phone. There was a message from Jack.

Wanna stream some minecraft with me? :)

My fingers hovered over the keyboard.
yeah. I guess

I put my phone on my desk and sat down. My phone vibrated again.

you ok?

Was I overreacting? I mean.. it was just a dream... right?

I knew he wouldn't believe me but it was worth a shot.

no you're not, y/n. I know you. did something happen?

I wiped my eyes with the sleeve of my shirt and leant back in my seat. He's gonna think I'm crazy


I took a deep breath.

It's just.... a dream I had.. that's all.  But it's not a big deal. I'm just overreacting.

hey... you're not overreacting. you don't have to stream with me today if you don't want to.

I smiled at my phone.
yeah.. I think i'll sit this one out.

ok :) I'll talk to you after stream! But message me if you need anything!

and with that I turned my phone off. ok... it really was just a dream.

I turned on my computer and logged into twitch and clicked on Jack's stream.


as i'm writing this it's Jack's birthday so happy birthday to the only man ever!

anyway hope you like the story! I have a few ideas up my sleeve for the next couple of chapters although they might be short... let me know what you think!!

ok bye!

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