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enthusiasm, affection, or kindness.
My head was resting on my pillow, my conversation with Jack still present in my mind.

The last thing I remembered before my eyes finally closed, was a notification from Jack, saying he had followed me on Instagram.

The light shone in the window the next morning, the warmth of the sun hitting my face, I smiled and rolled over to pick up my phone. I turned it on to see an instagram notification. i unlocked my phone and saw it was a message from Jack.

I felt a warmth rush to my cheeks as I clicked on the message.

"Good morning :)"
"Good morning Jack!"

"Oh, look who's finally awake! Did you sleep well?"
I small smile spread across my lips as I read the message.

"Yeah, I did. Thank you"

"Well, I'm glad"
We exchanged a few more short messages before we both got on with our day.
All I could think about for the rest of the day was the exchange I had with Jack.

Earlier that week I had decided I was gonna make a new instagram post. And I had nothing better to do so I thought 'why not'.

I walked over to my closet and picked out a cute outfit. Then I went to my bathroom and put on some light makeup.

I set my phone up on my window, cause the lighting was good. I set the timer and took a few photos. I picked the ones I liked the best and did some light editing so they matched the look of my feed. I posted the photos and sat back on my bed.

Likes started flooding in and my followers were commenting, complimenting my makeup and outfit (as usual)

After a few more minutes, one notification caught my eye.

JackManifoldTV liked your post.
A small smile spread across my face.

A few seconds later, I got another notification that had butterflies flooding my stomach.

JackManifoldTV commented on your post: 👀👀


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