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a relationship in which a person or thing is linked or associated with something else.
Stream Starting Soon
After I cleared all the notifications on my phone I greeted my chat.
"Hi Chat! How are you all?"
My chat was flooded with responses. (It's been a while since I streamed so there was a lot of "we missed you")

"So today, I'm playing JackBox with Karl and some of his friends. It's gonna be fun!"

After reading a few donations and talking to chat I joined the discord call.

I was greeted by Karl and Quackity with simple "Hello!"'s and we launched the game.

We played quiplash and mad verse city (which mainly consisted of me calling Quackity an iPad kid) and we all had a great time.

There were a few people i'd never connected with before. Sapnap, Schlatt and of course, Jack.

No of us really got to introduce ourselves but we did get to roast each other during our verses in mad verse city.

The stream was going well until one of Schlatt's verses.

Whenever I get dumped I say ok, who's next?
I turn of my phone when I get a new text
Now don't call me cupid I'm just high like a dove,
But if I was I would say Karl and y/n are in love
I'll admit it was a good verse. But hearing him say Karl and I were in love just reminded me of Edward and why we broke up.

The round ended.
"Uh. Hey guys. I think I'm gonna head out" I said, choking back tears.

I could hear the concern in Karl's voice "Hey are you ok?" He spoke gently.

"Yeah I just-"
"You don't need to explain. It's ok!" He cut me off.
I left the discord call and said bye to my chat before ending stream.

I changed back into my sweatpants and climbed into bed. I put my phone on the bedside table and rest my head against my pillow, a small stream of tears leaving my eyes.

I heard my phone vibrate on the table next to me. I lifted it up to see a twitter notification
JackManifoldTV sent you a message
I opened twitter and went to my messages.

I clicked on Jack's name.

"Hey. Uh. Just wanted to check that you're ok. I noticed you sounded a little down before you left."

"Oh. Yeah. I'm ok. Just remembered some things I wish I didn't"

"I know you don't really know me but uh. did you wanna talk about it? That is, if you're comfortable of course :)"

"It would be kinda nice but... I don't wanna pin that on you that wouldn't be fair"

"y/n, seriously, it's ok. I promise."

I couldn't help but smile a bit at that last message. I was about to reply when another message came through.

"We can message on discord if you want. or here or- whatever you're most comfortable with"

"oh uh. discord would be nice actually :)"

I made my way back over to my computer and opened discord.

"Hey :). You ready to talk about it?"

"Yeah. So um. A few days ago me and my (now ex) boyfriend sort of got into a bit of an argument..."

I told Jack about our fight, and how he was angry about me hanging out with Karl all the time because he didn't like that Karl was my best friend and was just being my best friend.

"Oh so when uh- when schlatt wrote that last part of the verse it reminded you of-"


My cheeks were still lightly stained with my tears from before. But telling someone about it felt really good.

"Well, now that you've told me some really personal stuff, why don't you ask me something about myself?

"Oh ok ummmmmmm..."

Jack and I spoke for hours, passing questions back and forth, just connecting with one another.

"Ok, we'll I'm gonna go now, but message me if you need anything, and I mean anything at all!"

"Ok. and don't worry I will! Goodnight Jack :)"

"Goodnight y/n <3"

I haven't know him for that long but I couldn't help but smile. I climbed into bed and pulled up Jack's instagram and pressed follow. Seconds later, he followed back.

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