The Ten Million Bride: Chapter 2

Start from the beginning

(Y/N): "Gee, that's real helpful."

Eris: "And even though I'm a goddess, I don't have to be an Arch Priest like senpai."

(Y/N): 'Well that rule out any Arch Priests. Why she say that unless she wasn't an Arch Priest. Unless she's trying to get in my head? But what if she thought I would think of this and that's why she said that to throw me off? Or what if she knew that I knew that she would-'

Kazuma snapped his fingers and pointed at Eris.

Kazuma: "You're Marise-san that broke Keith's nose when he said something about breast size for Eris priests being in relation with their faith!"

Eris just smiled.

Eris: "Wrong."

Kazuma: "Huh? Well...Oh! After Dust talked about Eris devotees having breast pads and being expelled for having big breasts, Darkness beat him up with the help of another! Celeste-san!"

Eris smiled still, but it was clear she was angry.

Eris: "No."

She looked to the boy who hadn't said anything yet, seeing him deep in thought. She could practically hear the gears in his head starting to turn.

(Y/N): 'Think (Y/N), think! Who is she? Let's go over all the intel. She said her appearance is a little different, but that's just a little. Would she still have her silver hair?...silver hair...Wait a second! Time to run a test!' "Eris, you're really sweet, and I'm happy to see you!"

Eris blushed a little and gave a flustered chuckle.

Eris: "Ehehe...Th-thank you..."

She then did exactly what (Y/N) was looking for. She scratched her cheek.

(Y/N): 'Most people scratch the back of their necks or the top of their heads when they're stuck in an awkward situation, but there's only one I know that scratches her cheek! Darkness even said that it was her nervous tick for when she's in a pinch!' "Oh my god!"

The two looked to (Y/N) expecting an answer, but a familiar voice rang out through the void as he opened his mouth.

Aqua: "Kazuma, (Y/N)! The resurrection is finished, so hurry up and come back. Darkness is really smelly and depressed at the moment."

A familiar bright light started to envelope Kazuma.

Kazuma: "I give up, I give up! Please, tell me who you are! I'm gonna get a dose of divine retribution if I accidentally do something rude to you!"

Eris: "...Really, talking about rude things and divine retribution after all you did when we first met."

(Y/N): 'Well that just confirms it.'

Kazuma: "Huh? What do you mean?"

Eris: "Nothing. My real identity is a secret...Also, please don't listen to everything that senpai says...I-I'm not wearing pads! Right now..."

Kazuma: "Wait, I'm really not concerned with the size of your breasts!"

The light took the panicking Kazuma, leaving (Y/N) and Eris alone. He gazed at the scar in her cheek.

(Y/N): "That explains why I got deja vu when I first met you in Axel."

Eris: "You may think you've figured it out, but I wouldn't be so sure."

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