Chapter 12: Text message

Start from the beginning

"Anytime." I wave as I watch them leave.

Eloise glares back at Mavis and I see her smirk at her and wave her fingers. "Listen to your mom Eloise." She provokes.

Eloise gives her the finger as Eden pulls her out into the hallway and slams the door.

"Yeah honey." We hear Eden say from the other side of the door, "listen to your mommy."

I glance at Mavis as we try to muffle our laughter behind our hands. Once we think the coast is clear we both double over in laughter.

"Oh my god." I laugh, wiping away tears that fell as I was laughing.

Once we've calmed down, I turn towards her and lean against the kitchen island, "So what happened between the two of you."

"She kicked me in her sleep last night right in the cheek, and stole all the goddamn blankets."

"Ahh, I see."

Her phone vibrates causing her to loose focus of our conversation.

I turn around and run up the steps two at a time holding my towel up. I throw on a sweatshirt and lounge shorts. I brush my hair out and put on my deodorant.

And let me tell you, mens deodorant works and smells way better than women's.

My personal favorite is the Timber one. Chefs kiss.

I head back downstairs, and grab kitchen cleaner and start wiping down the kitchen, and cleaning up the mess they made.

It really pisses me off when my friends make a mess in my home and then leave, but what am I gonna do about it.

"It smells horrendous in here." Mavis says walking in with a candle. She lights it and places her hands on the counter, staring at me.

I stop wiping and stare back at her, "What?" I tilt my head.

"Have you texted roman yet?"

"I have not." I sigh continuing to clean, "It's only been one night, I don't want to seem eager."

"Girl you should have seen how he kept looking at you last night." She sighs laying her head down on the counter, resting her cheek on the cold surface. "Its like love at first sight bullshit."

"Oh my god, where did that even come from." I gasp, "I've known him for less than 24 hours."

"And he already has a nickname for you." She twirls towards me leaning onto me dramatically, "Goodbye beautiful." She mimics in a deep voice.

I laugh pushing her off, "Don't get ahead of yourself I barely know him, and I definitely don't want to date him." I say in a serious tone, "I'm not ready."

"I know. I guess I just got my hopes up, but take your time."

I suddenly feel guilty for making my friends believe I'm okay. After about 5 months after the incident, and therapy sessions 3 days a week, I started telling people I was okay. I was on a bunch of medications, and still am. People taking time out of their day just to come by and check up on me. I was done with being swarmed with people and it was making things worse. So I convinced them, and myself that I was okay.

I bought my own apartment, spent way to much money decorating it, and started up photography again.

What they didn't know was I had nightmares every night, my anxiety had gotten worse and I struggled through multiple panic attacks. I woke up early, but at around 1 I would take a nap and wake up at 6. I didn't eat as much. And cried all the time.

I was a coward.

I couldn't except anyone's help, I thought I could get through it on my own. But I couldn't

And I felt guilty.

I give Mavis a tight lipped smile and turn away from her so she wouldn't see the tears welling up in my eyes.

Mavis's phone pings again and she grabs it walking over to the couch. I continue to clean, hearing the t.v being turned on.

I place the last dish in the dishwasher, put on a fake smile and  join her on the couch.

I notice her smiling down at her phone instead of watching the show she put on.

"What are you smiling at?" I shuffle closer trying to look at her phone.

"Nothing." She pulls her phone away, out of my reach. I climb over her trying to reach it.

"Come on tell me." I urge.

"Fine, fine, fine. Now get off of me." She swats my hands away, readjusting herself on the sofa. "It's Milo."

"Ooh your boyfriend." I say in a singsong voice.

"He is not my boyfriend." She blushes and turns away.

"Not yet." I remark, "so what were you two lovebirds talking about?"

"He's was just saying how much he enjoyed last night, and he also may or may not  have mentioned taking me on a date."

"Yes, yes, yes!" I clap my hands in excitement.

"Alright alright." She grins, "calm down."


"Bye babe."  Mavis winks closing the door behind her before I could reply. Mavis stayed until around 3 before she had to leave.

I know it's rude to be glad when your friend leaves, but my social battery does not last very long.

I sigh as Hozier plays softly throughout my apartment. I walk over to my bookshelf to find a new book to start, running my fingers along the spines.

I hum as Almost by Hozier starts playing, sliding a book out and reading the back. I settle on my couch, and June jumps gracefully from her climbing structure in the corner and onto my lap.

"Hey Junebug." I whisper as I scratch behind her ears. She purrs as she leans into my hand, curling into my lap.

I open up my book ready to indulge myself into yet another enemies to lovers romance, that may or may not make me cry.

Before I know it I'm 200 pages into my book, and the sun is setting. The soft orange glow of the sunset blanketing my living room.

I place a bookmark in my book, placing it beside me. I lift June up from under her two front legs and hold her like a baby, her front paws on my shoulder. I stand up and sway her softly to the music that is still playing.

I hear my phone go off somewhere in my apartment, I place June down and rummage through the couch. Lifting cushions and blankets, throwing them on the floor. I hear it go off again from the kitchen. I saunter over and see it on the table.

I pick it up and see two new messages on my phone.


Hey beautiful

You didn't text me after I gave you my number, so I had to go and get your number from Milo.


Okay so  I know these aren't the longest chapters, but I find it so hard to write chapter with 5,000 words. I also feel like if I read a wattpad story with super long chapters I find it so hard to read them through all the way.

But besides that, I hope your enjoying my story so far. <333

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