It wasn't odd to most people, but there was a certain few that knew something was wrong.

"Hey, Todoroki-kun." Midoriya walked up to Todoroki, a concerned expression clearly on his face. "Has Y/N rejected hanging out lately?"

"Well, I asked them if they wanted to get soba with my sister and I, but she said she already had food... which was odd."


"I was literally watching them fighting a villain." He paused for a moment. "But I'm a bit surprised they were able to casually message me mid-battle."

You walked into class a few minutes later.

"Hey, Y/N! Were you hanging out with those friends that you're normally with?" Kaminari asked. You shook your head and sat down without an answer.

Todoroki and Midoriya looked at each other. Something was different. You never quite gave off any emotions, but they could tell your aura was less... bright? No, that wasn't the word.

It was more in your eyes than your body language. The last Todoroki saw of you, it was a bit like looking at a burning house's window.

It was filled with smoke, but there was that one window that you could still somewhat see through.

Your eyes were a bit like that, with just a little... feeling peeking through.

Today, there was nothing. When you looked back at him, he only saw your E/C eyes looking back at him.

With Midoriya, there was a sort of sparkle shining at the iris of his green eyes.

With Bakugou, there was excessive anger burning in the crimson.

But with you there was nothing. Had something happened? Did Todoroki cause it?

"Hello? Todoroki-kun?" Midoriya snapped his fingers in front of him. "Oh, sorry Midoriya. I blanked out for a moment."

"Well, that's unlike you. Anyways, class is going to start soon so we should take our seats."

Todoroki looked over at you, who was staring out the window. You never seemed to care much about class, but you also always had the right answer whenever you were called on.

"Y/N, if you have time to stare out the window, you—"

"Seventeen over forty."

"Uh... correct."

You always looked detached from the class. While it was definite that you cared about the class, you didn't treat it differently than any other normal group of citizens. Even your desk didn't align with any of the rows. It actually looked like it wasn't supposed to be there.

You looked over and caught Todoroki staring. What is he doing?

The bell soon rung for lunch and you made your way to the cafeteria.

But instead of sitting with Midoriya, Iida, Uraraka, and Todoroki, you didn't even sit in the cafeteria. You ate in your room.

"Hey Y/N!" Someone on the other side of your door yelled after multiple knocks.

You stood up and opened the door to see Mirio standing there with Tamaki behind him. "Hey Y/N, I didn't see you with your friends in the cafeteria. Did you have a fight or something?" Mirio paused. "Never mind, you'd never have the energy to get into a petty fight anyway."

"I just wasn't hungry."

Mirio looked behind you, seeing the bento box resting on your table. "Why'd you buy lunch, then?"

"I don't know... do you want it?"

"Nah, I'm full."

Your eyes flickered from Mirio to Tamaki, waiting for anything else they wanted to say. Instead, Mirio just waved. "Okay, we'll leave you to it, then!"

Once you shut the door, you looked over at your backpack with the things you needed for the camp the next day sitting inside. You'd see Kota again... he always really hated heroes, villains, and quirks in general. Well, not always, but for a majority of his life.

The only ones he was sort of okay with was you and his cousin. You sat down on your bed, not really wanting to go to class when the time came.

You turned on your phone, seeing it was still on the article about the Water Hose heroes. Seems like you were reading it before bed last night.

The screen darkened as you pressed the power button and you began walking towards class.

Don't get attached. They'll just be ripped away again.

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