Operation: Semper Fi

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I'm just going to put the next book in here with the other one cause I can :P. If you read my akward sequel The Few, The Proud just forget about whatever you read and start fresh here. I'm going to work on my grammar alot more and make the story flow better, longer and make more sense. So please Enjoy!


Ashley's POV

Norwich University, Vermont

The late summer sky dipped lazily as the sun began to set, Ashley sat in her dorm perched on her small twin bed with its dark green sheets folded neatly at the end. It marked almost the second year that she had graduated from bootcamp and became and enlisted member of the United States Marine Corps. Braxton had come and gone from one deployment to another, she never really saw him much but they still talked. She had realized last year that being enlisted wasnt really all it chalked up to be so she decided to apply to go to college and commisson as an officer like he had and go on reserve. 

Braxton and david was due back in a few days from overseas and she had decieded that before school started for the fall semester she would drive down to North carolina where they would be stationed at Cherry Point to catch up with them, because after all it had been nearly 6 months since she had seen David and she was begining to miss him. 

Their relationship ended after he returned from Baghdad, she had moved on and so did he. Her and Sebastian had grown together as friends after she left Basic and she saw him a few times when he came to check up on her foot and even after it had healed he came and they talked and hung out. He had been glad she decided to commission, and even when she felt like giving up on college he was always their to tell her she could do it and the pain of now would soon be overcome and she would reap the benefits of becoming an officer.

 Her roomate Tanzi opened the door to their shared dorm, her curly black hair pullled up off her face and her tan skin lighting up her light cinammon colored eyes. She was 21, and she was an upcoming sophomore like Ashley was, though Tanzi was not in the military she was an ROTC cadet and always asking Ashley for advice when it came to all things military.

"Are you coming or what, it's not like you turn 21 every year?" Tanzi asked her with a soft bostonian accent.

Oh, Ashely thought. No wonder Tanzi was all dressed up in a short black leather mini and white tank top and jewelery. 

"Not really feeling it tonight Tanz". She replied still sitting on her bed. 

Tanzi walked over and pulled her off the bed, Ashley gave no resistance, Tanzi walked oer to Ashleys side of the small closet and threw it open digging through her clothes.

"Ash, you have no party clothes, good things were like the same size." She said, giving Ash a slight eye roll, who then proceeded to throw open her half the closet and rummaged through her things and fially produced a very tiny pair of white shorts and light green crop top which she promptly threw at Ash with a gesture to go change.

Ashley easily caught the clothes and walked into the bathroom to change into the bathroom to change into the ridiculous outfit. 

After she put them on she looked into the mirror, a very fit, tan girl with long blond hair and grassy green eyes peered back, tanzis outfit did her great justice emphasizing her in all the right places.

A light knocking on the door and then Tanzi walked in.

"Wow Ash, you look great." She said a little stunned by her change in  appearence.

She pulled open a drawer a got out a makeup kit and started doing Ashleys makeup who usually would object but didnt. Ashley tended to never wear makeup and she always wore some kind of uniform wherever she went, looks didnt really mean anything to her anymore.

After Tanzi finished her makeup Ashley looked in the mirror again, extremely black lashes so long they remsembled butterfly wings rimmed green eyes that seemed to glow and her skin was absolutly perfect and a light blush stained her cheeks.

"This is a bit much dont you think Tanz", Ashley questioned.

"Babe when your date see you hes gonna flip." she replied.

"Date?' Ashley asked.

"You honestly think I would let you party on your 21st birthday, 'course not, I called up Sebastian whose gonna meet us at the club."

As far as Ashley knew the clubs around Norwich were pretty bad, people tended to go out of town. Tanzi pulled her out of the bathroom and grabbed a pair of white stilletoes and gave them to Ashley who gave her a dirty look but slipped them on.

"Were gonna be late so hurry up." Tanzi said pulling Ash out of the Dorm and towards her car.

'Late for what?" Ashley questioned.

"Our flight duh." 

Well that made sense, it was an hour flight to New york city from here and if Tanzi wanted to party she would would most definetly go to the Big Apple. It was a little much but if Tanzi wanted to do it she would do it.

The sun quickly finished setting as we drove to the airport and by the time we touched down in NYC the moon was heading towards its apex and the streets were alive with light and people on the mild friday night. We both teetered out of the airport on our sky high heels and flagged down a cab to take us to our final destination. 

When a cabbie finallys topped with both slid onto the cabs soft worn leather seats and Tanzi gave the cabbie our desired location: Toxic.

Traffic was crazy as we drove and Tanzi was completly absorbed in texting someone, presumably my date. 

We finally rolled up to Toxic and music blared and a long line of people clad in scanty clothing waited to get inside. This was definenitly a change from what I was used to. We made our way towards the bouncer and he grinned as he saw us walk up.

"Beautiful ladies good evening, passes please." He said with a slightly gravally voice.

Tanzi produced two small purple cards from her black purse and handed the to the huge man who waved us into the door.

Walking in it was almsot completly dark and the loudness of the music rolled through me, everywhere their were people crammed up against each other, dancing and drinking. We pushed through the crowd up to the bar where their were no vacant seats and the bar tender was avidally engaged with a man with thick slightly wavy brown hair. He noticed us as we made our way up and grinned to the man he was talking to.  His chair swiveled around and he stood up directly in front of us, I looked at Tanzi and she winked at me and dissapered from my side into the massive crowd of bodies. 

He was tall and well built, his black dress shirt was udone at the top two buttons revealing his deeply tanned skin and his long, lean legs wee enacased by dark jeans and as his eyes bore into mine and as he grinned a very familar smile.

"Hey Ash." He said just loud enough for me to hear.

"Hey Braxton." 


So I do realize this is probably not what you expected but I promise it will gravitate back towards the military. Im gonna post it here until I get a cover made, so please enjoy:)

Crushing hard in Marine Bootcamp and Operation Semper Fiحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن