Chapter Four

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Ashleys POV

The house was still quiet when I returned from my early morning beach jog, Braxtons bedroom door slightly ajar down the hallway from the kitchen. I walked over silently and gently pushed the door open, the hinges squeaked in protest and I made a mental note to ask David if he had any DW40. Peering in I noticed the ruffled bedsheets pushed all the way to the foot of the bed and judging by the slight remanets of a body imprint on the white sheets, he had not been up for too long. 

To the right of the bed I heard a doorknob turn and as I let out a low gasp Braxton emerged from the bathroom, his blue eyes widened in suprise as he watched my eyes travel down his broad tan shoulders to his chest and below to his abs of steel, my eyes stopping at the dark towel slung around his hips.

He cleared his throat.

"LIke what you see?" He questioned me, a stony expression on his face.

I akwardly turned around and grabbed a dark green v neck off the top of his open suitcase and tossed it at him.

He caught it laughing at my discomfort.

"Haha ya very funny Braxton". I said before leaving the room and slamming the door behind me.

The kitchen lights were on and I saw David standing in front of the stove, his slightly long blond hair ruffled and messy. I looked at him questiongly and he chuckled.

"Davy where are you baby?" A high feminine voice called from Davids bedroom.

"Come out here babe." David responded and I made a face at him.

A scantily clad women emerged, her flaming red hair perched on top of her head, makeup smudged around her eyes and her short  stature reminded me of a parrot. Her eyes widened slightly at the sight of me and she yawned.

'Whose this Davy?" She asked.

And at that moment Braxton emerged from his room dressed in the shirt I had tossed at him and a pair of tight black sweats on. 

He grinned flashing his pearly white teeth,"Whose this?"

"Ash, Brax this is my ugh.." He trailed off shooting a look at the women.

She squealed and ran over to his side.

"Im Alex, his fiancee." She said in delight.

My eyebrows immediatly shot up, did she say fiancee? This morning was very strange.

She stood up on her tiptoes and proceeded to make out with my brother.

I turned around and walked back into Braxtons room and shut the door. Maybe if I went back to sleep it will all dissapear, but no such luck. The clock on the nightstand confirmed it was 11 am and it was way too late to be sleeping.

I opened my suitcase and pulled out a baby blue crop top, its soft material feeling delcious in my hands and a tiny pair of light blue denim shorts. And dissapered into the bathroom to take a nice long shower.

30 mintues late I emerged, my hair blow dried into long wavy tresses hanging down my back, light makeup applied and fully dressed.

Braxton greeted me when I sat down in the kitchen to eat my lucky charms, Alex and my brother were no where to be seen. 

Something hit my arm and I looked over at Braxton, he had a little pile of mini colored marshmellows and he was flicking them in my direction.

"Are you so bored you have to lower yourself to flicking marshmellows at me?" I asked him sarcastically.

He raised his eyebrow at me and went back to flicking the marshmellows at me, most of them falling to the foor.

"For a Marine your aim sucks." I told him as I put my bowl into the dishwasher.

Crushing hard in Marine Bootcamp and Operation Semper FiKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat