[1.3] The multiple names of a Skywalker

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    "Your lightsaber, Young one." I flipped the hilt around in my hand again before I handed it to Master Yoda.

    "It's owner, based on their force signature and their awareness of the force, a crystal chooses. It's owner- according to their soul's resonance with the force- the crystal chooses." Master Yoda looked at every part of my saber as he held it. Then, using the force, he disassembled my lightsaber neatly so we could all see the crystal.

    Upon seeing it I squinted my eyes and tilted my head, "Master...It wasn't that color before."

    It was true, the color of my crystal was green. As soon as I had touched it back on Illum it had changed into a rich emerald shade. So why was it transparent now?

    "Shifted, the force in you has. Fallen out of your connection with this crystal and into another, you have." Master Yoda walked past me, handing me the- now reassembled- lightsaber. He walked up to Skywalker and took the weapon out of his hand and disassembled it in the air before letting the pieces fall to the ground. "Back to Illum with Master Skywalker, you will go. Find the crystal you are attuned with, you must."

    "Wait, wait, wait." Skyguy sat up from where he had been collecting the pieces from the ground. "Master Yoda I already have my crystal and the hilt parts. Why do I have to take her to Illum?"

    "In tune with your crystal now, she is, because it called to her. Also in tune with it, you are, right?"

    "Yes Master. But I don't-,"

    "Twin souls, you have, twins also, your crystals are. Find her crystal and overcome the obstacles on Illum, you must help." Master Yoda waved his hand in the air, silencing the Jedi Knight. "Also, on Teth with a broken blade, what good are you? Hmm?"

    Just then my Master spoke up, "It's decided then. Anakin will go with Vera to Illum and I will take Ahsoka on the mission to Teth."

    I could tell Master Kenobi only sounded sure, I think the truth was he'd rather accompany me to Illum. The four of us exchanged goodbye's and before I knew it I was following Skyguy into a lift and headed for the cruiser. I recognized a few of the troopers in the ship as Cody and the others I had helped out today. I glanced back at Skywalker who was trying- and failing- to rebuild his saber.

    I let go of the handle I was at in front of Skywalker and moved through the ship to the one next to Cody,"I don't believe we've officially met yet. I'm Master Kenobi's new Padawan, Vera Hayes."

    The Commander turned from where he was talking with his men to me. "The Jedi from earlier, yeah, I know who you are." The man extended me his hand to shake, which I accepted,"I'm Cody and these are Waxer, Boil and Wooley."

    "It's nice to meet you all. I'm looking forward to fighting alongside you."

    "You too, Commander." The trooper- Boil- replied.

    Commander? "Commander?"

    Cody looked down at me curiously, "You do know that you being the General's Padawan automatically grants you the position of Commander...Right?"

    My eyes widened and my mouth parted slightly, Waxer and Boil laughed at my expression. "Are you serious?"

    Cody struggled to keep the smile off of his face, "Yeah, you're my Co-Commander."

    "Well, don't get me wrong. I am so thankful for the position." I held a hand out to reassure him, "But I didn't earn this. I don't even know what a Commander does!"

    "It's in the name, kid. You command." Boil quipped and Cody just grabbed his face and pushed him away from us.

    "Ignore him." He laughed, "Stick with me, kid. I'll teach you the ropes."

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